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Voltron Title: Voltron
Genre: Action
Run Time: 71 minutes
Publisher: Trimark
Released On: December 31, 1998
Type: Tv Series
TV Episode(s)/Manga Volumes: 8
Rating:4.88 Rating          Votes: 8

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Characters: Allura, Hagar, Keith, Lotor, Rommelle

Voltron - Description/Synopsis
Fleet of Doom 'In a galaxy far away, the planet Arus is home to the beautiful Princess Allura and her peace loving people. The planet Arus is the secret home to a power base that supplies power to all the kingdoms throughout the Galaxy. One day, the evil King of Planet Doom joins forces with a wicked Viceroy to lead an invasion of Planet Arus to destroy the power domes. The Princess Allura?s spirit is captured by an evil witch and her kingdom is under attack from the vicious skull ships. Now, it?s up to the young space explorers, led by Commander Keith to join as the Voltron Force and save the Princess from her evil captors and defend the Planet Arus from the Fleet of Doom.

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