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DNA2 Title: DNA2
Genre: Comedy
Run Time: 25 minutes
Publisher: Central Park Media
Released On: December 01, 2000
Type: n/a
Movie(s): 15
Rating:4.33 Rating          Votes: 6

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Characters: Ami, Junta Momonari, Karin Aoi, Ryuji, Saeki

DNA2 - Description/Synopsis
The future is plagued by an uncontrollable population problem;however, the masterminds of the future decide to find the source of the population problem, and change it. The source is Junta Momonari, who becomes a mega-playboy in the past. He is said to have 100 kids with 100 different women. Then those 100 kids have a 100 kids of their own, and so on. Of course if this continues several generations, you have a horrible population problem. So the people of the future decide to go back in time and change the DNA of this guy. It was supposed to be quite simple- a DNA operater goes back in time and shoots Junta with a DCM bullet that will alter and change his DNA, then the operater returns to the less populated future. However those masterminds that devised this great plan, made one mistake... putting Karin Aoi in charge of the operation.

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