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Characters: Anzu Mazaki, Bandit Keith, Dinosaur Ryuuzaki, Hiroto Honda, Insector Haga, Isis Ishtar, Katsuya Jounouchi, Mai Kujaku, Malik, Miho Nozaka, Mokuba Kaiba, Noah, Otogi, Pegasus J. Crawford, Rare Hunter, Ryou Bakura, Ryouta Kajiki, Seto Kaiba, Shadi, Shizuka Kawai, Sugoroku Mutou, Yuugi Mutou Yu-gi-oh! - Description/Synopsis Yu-Gi-Oh! began as a manga series created by Kazuki Takahashi in 1996, under the Shonen Jump label. It grew in popularity seemingly overnight, and in 1998, Toei Animation began the new anime series. Although it only lasted a few months on the air, it was enough for Bandai and Konami moguls to profit on the popularity. Character goods came out for the series, including pencilboards, calendars, stationary and the like. Konami released 3 different video games for GameBoy, and the newest game, for the Playstation console. Right now, Yu-Gi-Oh! is reveling in it\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s greatest popular item ever: Duel Monsters. This fast growing role-playing card game has beat out even Pocket Monsters! Americans are catching onto the DM fever (thanks to Pokemon, no doubt), wanting to know everything they can about the card game.There are three seperate shows all under the title Yu-gi-oh. The first being Yu-gi-oh! , the 27 episodes one that died after a couple of months, and the one that most fans know about under the title Yu-gi-oh Duel Monsters. Finally the new Yu-gi-oh! Duel Monsters GX is currently showing in Japan. Additional Information Yu-Gi-Oh GXGenre: Action/Comedy/children Run time: 23 min. Released: Oct. 10, 2005 Characters: Jaden, Chumley, Sirus, Alexis, Bastian, Dr. Crowler, Chaz Summary: Jaden is a student at Duel Academy, which is divided into different classes: Slifer Red, Ra Yellow, and Obelisk Blue. Jaden, Sirus, and Chumley are Slifers (the lowest class) Bastian is a Ra (the middle rank) and Alexis and Chaz are Obelisks (the highest-ranked students). Dr. Crowler is the leader of the Obelisks and dislikes Jaden. Jaden and his friends get into many duels with strange characters and try to fight back against the endless schemes of Dr. Crowler. [ Back To Top ] [ Mar 4, 2006 17:24 ] PharaohYamisAngel YuGiOu is da best! I only just got into YuGiOu in Augest three years ago and already I love it to bits! It's my all-time favourite anime and the characters are so cool (except Tristan and Anzu/Tea!!). The guys are all cute, and my favourite character is Yuugi Mutou. Why, i don't know, maybe because I can relate to him easier than I can others (although I don't live with my grandpa. [ Nov 17, 2005 13:27 ] animegirl81My favourite cards are the Dark Magican Girl the Dark Magican and the Celtic Guardian. Good Show!! My Anime Gateway Yu gi oh has to be one of my favorite animes. It was the thing that got me into other animes. It is the thing that I go to for comfort. My favorite characters in the series are like old friends, if you can believe it. This show is not just about dueling with holographic cards, it's also about the power of friendship, and how that friendship can stretech through centuries, the present and the past. [ Oct 24, 2005 17:27 ] Koshi NorikoSophisticated and deep.. Well, in my opinion anyway. I got hooked on it when I kept wondering why on earth my sister was watching it on TV. I generally thought it looked boring and stupid .. that is, until I realised YGO had a deeper concept to its plot. I always thought YGO was like any other kids anime - our hero goes out to be the best of the best at something - but then I found out a lot of things ever since I watched through the Duelist Kingdom episodes. [ Jun 25, 2005 21:59 ] yugiohcardshark2The fact that Yuugi had a great character which is startlingly new to me and his mission was to be top in order to get something. It doesn't necessary have to be a title or fame, it's just something that is needed to be done for other people. I was curious about the amazing power of the Millenium Items and the whole 'other half' concepts. Everything about YGO is deep. We think Duel Monsters is the idea for the anime .. then we find out that it roots to an ancient game played in Egypt. It's that good. Not just the fact that I love the YGO plotline - the whole saving other people/the world rests in a card game and stuff behind that - but I just love the characters in the Show and their relationships towards one another. When I started writing fanfiction and had a go at slash (don't stare at me like that), it enabled me to explore more about the relationships of the characters towards one another. For e.g. how incredibly strong Jounouchi and Yuugi's friendship are and how Yami and Kaiba seem to dislike each other, always arguing, but at the same time, they respect one another. You'd always seem to think there's this little thing going on with the characters by the way they treat each other.. But enough of that. Yuugiou is a brilliant and wonderful anime and would be recommended in anybody's anime list if they feel peckish about a kiddy show. It has an incredibly strong theme of friendship and also if you squint really hard, there could actually be more than one theme supporting Yuugiou.. one of my - ah-hem, MY ALL-TIME FAVE ANIME EVER!! I Think It's A Great Show At first, I wasn't really interested in Yu-Gi-Oh. I just happened to see it on Kids WB one day when I was flipping through channels. First I thought, "Geez, this looks dumb." A few days later I saw it again during the duel between Yami and the fake Seto Kaiba. That's what got me hooked, and why I love the show today. [ Jun 10, 2005 16:50 ] SilverWing147Fan 4 Life Two years ago (though I'm not sure, I don't have a firm grip on time) A cartoon series I was watching on Commercial TV, on my favourite morning show (Cheez TV) ended. I didn't pay much attention to the show that followed, in fact I ignored it and labeled it instantly "gay" but I still watched it the next day when it was on. By the time series one was finished I was hooked. They showed the series again, and from Episode two I started taping them. [ Jan 28, 2005 20:59 ] anubisetI loved the characters, the plot and the ideas behind it. The Darker half, an almost split personality, calm, cool and confident to a fault. The light half, innocent, brave. Then there was Bakura and his Darker self, when he seems so mild mannered and shy, Dark Bakura was ruthless and harsh. It was interesting, finding a mystical way to in someway demonstrate the darkness in our souls and the balances that exist. I love Ancient Egypt and this story incorperated it. The plot so much more interesting and characters more captivating than any I had been able to watch in the mornings. There was nothing too typical about it beyond the normal range of cliches. I'm up to the Battle City Final's now, Yami Yuugi Vs Kiaba. I'm still taping all the episodes and watch them when they're not on (as TV shows the episodes only two days a week). I draw fanart uncontrollably, and write fanfiction as well. I'm in a Live Journal Community for it and a Yahoo group too, the only thing I can say is that I love Yu-Gi-Oh. Though I'm a closet fan I love it all the same. I can't help it, I'm Yu-Gi-Oh Fan 4 Life ^_^CHEERIO^_^ I like it because I like Yu-Gi-Oh because it is something that I can watch with my kids and not get bored. I also find writing fanfictions about the show has caused me to look closer at the characters. I also am in on the dueling aspect of this as well. [ Dec 25, 2003 14:15 ] KarieThe characters are great, but I do wish that they hadn`t done so much with the dubbing. The manga is wonderfully drawn and the characters are more in depth in it. I know they really didn`t too well with some of them in the dubbing. I`m not knocking the show, I just wish they didn`t dub so much for America. I think we could handle it. And I personally don`t mind letting my kids read the manga. They find it interesting to see the characters done differently. I think... I think that Yu-Gi-Oh is different from most anime shows because it is more cirtical. The main character isn't just out to play the game and be the best. He always has a meaning. And the people who created it are basically trying to say that every duel is more then just the card game it seems to be. [ Dec 4, 2003 18:39 ] Shadow of LightWhy is it so popular? I'm sure a lot of people are asking that but this is my own opinion on such a question. [ Nov 28, 2003 16:58 ] RaticaI've been watching cartoons for nearly all my life and half of that time has been glued to Japanese animation. Over the years I discovered the differences in techniques, characters, plots, storyline, even the color scheme. Anime became my new obsessed but before I could become bored with it Yu-Gi-Oh! was born. In a way it reminds me of Sailor Moon because of the ancient past behind the characters and how the hero/heroine is so life like. Yugi is a great change from other heroes: tall, dark, mysterious with either a dark secret to hide or something that makes him stand out like a lighthouse during a storm. It seems the only power he does posses, if one could call it that, is that despite his young teenage years he retains a youthful innocence and curiosity that many would lose by then. Sure he looks like a child but he looks cute like that and I seriously can't picture him any taller than he is now. He has the characteristics of a typical hero: trustworthy, friendly, carefree but he also has characteristics that make him seem a bit more life like. In the original series never shown in the US Yugi was bullied, had only one friend (childhood friend, Tea Gardner), and was the perfect target for bullies and the likes. But when push comes to shove he shows how brave he can be and that he would do anything for those he cares about. But I believe what really caught everyone's interest has to be the game that seems to be a main focus in the series. Duel Monsters. The storyline pretty much revolves around it and in doing so bring up some rather interesting characters. And then with the mention of the Millennium items and the dark stranger Yami made people hooked onto it. I liked it because it showed that everyone has a kind of 'dark half' to match their light. Although the storyline of the comic and the anime differ greatly, they still manage to tie in together. In the series they never go into much detail how Yugi made friend or got the puzzle but in the comic they go into the full detail of his past and the hardships he's faced. They also made him act more like a typical teenage boys (thinking about pretty girls and such) but still retains his childlike innocence. Over all Yu-Gi-Oh! is a great show. it even teaches us a bit about Egypt and magic. It's a mixture of the modern world with an ancient world with magic, dangers, just about everything everyone could like. It has comedy, romance, action, adventure, bit of horror, great suspense that makes one beg for more and so much more! This is one anime show I would recommend to all my friends, whether or not they like watching cartons. Emotion beats all I have to admit, i have seen a LOT of anime in my days. [ Sep 21, 2003 19:41 ] maiwingweaverIts basically the main reason i went to japan too. but out of all Anime, i would have to say yugioh is one of the best. This is because they can show emotions and you can like read the characters faces and i really like that. als othe plot is fairly good.. jsut abit too many duels thrown in marik I think Marik is hot, to bad he is evil! [ Feb 5, 2003 17:11 ] Fallen Angel of DeathYuGiOu is da best! I only just got into YuGiOu in April last year and already I love it to bits! It's my all-time favourite anime and the characters are so cool (except Anzu/Tea!!). The guys are all cute (minus Tristan) and my favourite character is Yuugi Mutou. Why, i don't know, maybe because I can relate to him easier than I can others (although I don't live with my grandpa, I had a horrible childhood being always teased). [ Aug 5, 2002 13:24 ] Sakura22I KNOW the original Mai Valentine/Kujaku (the girl she's created from) and she's really nice. Mai Andrea (that's what she asked me to call her) has an uncle who works as an illustrator/writer for the TV series. ^_^ It's amazing the people you find on NeoPets. And she said I might even be able to get my own character ^______^ My favourite card is the Celtic Guardian (such a HOTTIE!!) cus I like Irish guys and I've got Celtic genes. Half of my wall is covered with pictures of the guys that I think are cute (especially the psychotic yamis Bakura and Mariku). I suppose I should end my review but YuGiOu is da best anime out there! It's gonna be my favourite for a long time to come. Yu-Gi-Oh I love Yu-Gi-Oh. The animation is just so good, it is so expressive and just...great. It seems to me that Yu-Gi-Oh has alot of plot--at least more than some other animes--and it is just so...imaginative. I always like to imagine my own stuff, but Yu-Gi-Oh is so imaginative I couldn't even dream of making it up on my own. [ Jun 5, 2002 21:11 ] PaN-D-SaLI really love this anime and hope lots of other people do too! I watch it all the time (yes, even though they're always repeats) and I really hope it stays around for a long time like Pokemon did!!! Yuugi vs. Yuugiou I just wanna say that Yugioh! has been a REAL change in my life. Everyone at my school plays the card game (mostly geeks; it's true!) and they constantly talk about it. Yeah, sure, I collect the cards too but I don't obsess over it THAT much! [ Dec 1, 2001 7:16 ] MarniMe? I have an obsession on Yuugi and Yuugiou (Yami Yuugi, as us Americans call it)! I mean, they are sooo kawaii! I got into this anime the very first episode that I saw (which was the second episode; I keep on forgetting what it was called!!!)! I love EVERYTHING about this anime! Well, almost everything, I HATE Anzu (Tea)! First of all (here come the spoilers, folks), she has an ANNOYING voice! Second, she's just plain annoying. And third, SHE STEALS YUUGI!!! But 'nuff about that. I just wanted to tell you that if u haven't watched Yugioh!, you're gonna miss out on a lot! This isn't any Pokeman craze or Monster Rancher wannabe, it's even better. Oh yeah, and if u want more info on Yuugiou, go to MY website at: http://www.angelfire.com/anime4/yuugiou What's cool about Yugioh? I'd just thought I'd like to say a few things about the show that I liked. First of all, the annnimation. It took me a couple of days to get used to it, but now I really like it. ^_^ It's very expressive and is far more artistic than a lot of other Anime's that the stations have picked up (not including cable, I don't get that). Also, it flows very well too. I'm also likeing the looks of the plot and story a lot. I never would have thought that an entire show could be based off a card game, but there you go. It's very involving, and got me hooked the frist couple of episodes dispide my predjudaced wish of not getting involved in another Anime story, or my concerns of how they might destroy it with faulty dubbing. The characters are really cool too! I haven't seen many shows that show such a unity between friends, and that is a good value to focus on. Indeed, the show focuses on that a lot. Many of the characters are enjoyable too(I don't know if I entirely like Yugioh's granddad, though is personality is ok, he looks linda like a sixty-year old teenager). Like I had said earlier, Joey's the coolest. He tries to show he's a tough guy, but he's developed a shot spot for his best friend. He also looks like the character who has the most developing to do as the show goes on too. Anyway, this is just some of my opinion. [ Back To Top ] |