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Characters: Higurashi Kagome, Inuyasha, Jaken, Kaede, Kagura, Kanna, Kikyou, Kohaku, Kouga, Miroku, Myoga, Naraku, Rin, Sango, Sesshomarou, Shippou InuYasha - Description/Synopsis INTERESTING INFO: The manga, by Rumiko Takahashi is still running in Shonen Sunday after it first started in Nov. 13, 1996. In present day Japan, Kagome is a normal high school girl until she falls into a well and into the past. There she learns that she is the reincarnation of the priestess Kikyou with the powerful Shikon Jewel in her body. Unfortunately the Jewel later shatters and it is up to the half-demon Inuyasha, Buddhist monk/lecher Miroku, and demonslayer Sango to reunite the Jewel so as to keep it from falling into evil hands.[ Back To Top ] [ Oct 23, 2007 0:06 ] Star_Charmed_Queen_118 InuYasha ROCKS!!!!! I LOVE INUYASHA! to me inuyasha is one of the best shows out there. If you think it's boring or the characters don't change, or it's confusing then you haven't watched too many episodes. There's almost always some twist, or fight, love triangles, or something else. Inuyasha changes alot. He goes from this person who can hardly stand Kagome, with this rough and tough attitude, to somebody who really cares for her, and while he still may be rough and tough he shows his soft side too. He risks his life to save his friends on many occasions, protecting them from certain death. Then there's the whoel part with Naraku being so extra powerful and ending up collecting most of the jewel shards *oops sorry*. But i love InuYasha and always will. InuYasha is my all time FAVORITE anime series. i know the most about the series in my school, on my block, in my neighborhood, in my ENTIRE FAMILY * and trusy me i have a HUUUUUGE family*. i've seen all the episodes and movies, so i know what i'm talking about. InuYasha is action packed, hilarious, and filled with twists to keep you guessing. Cause i mean, you may know what's gonna happen, but do you know HOOOOOOW? dun dun DUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNN! lol [ Aug 7, 2006 19:49 ] Tanaga Mannie_breLove It !!!! I love the show, sometime I wish that i was Kagome fighting side by side with Inuyasha!!! [ Jul 20, 2006 17:43 ] StarriiBoring Inuyasha is one of the most boring animes I have ever watched. The art is OK, but the story line is littered with so much unexplained impossibilities (Even for a fantasy show) that I don't remember them all. [ Feb 22, 2006 9:55 ] InuloversmeAfter the fifth episode things started going downhill. At first I thought it was OK, bright, pretty, and well defined art, OK characters (Though unoriginal), OK plotline (At least I thought at the beganning) and a nice villain. But then things became routine. Inuyasha and Kagome fights. Sango, Miroko, Shippo watched, laughing. They are looking for a jewel. Bewildered villagers beg them for help after finding a burned village or a dead body or something. They look for it. Kagome says nice things to the villagers. Naraku kidnaps her. She screams for Inuasha. Cliff hanger, and then some cheesy title and preview like this: "Hi, my name is Kagome Higurashi and I'm a fifteen year old girl who fell down the ancient well, bringing me to ancient Japan! Inuyasha and I were fighting when we saw the dead body and the grieving mother, and Inuyasha went to look for where the stench of Naraku was while I stayed to help the villagers coop. But it was all a trap! Now I'm kidnapped, and Naraku is going to kill all the villagers. Where are you Inuyasha? The next episode, Day of the living Nightare!" Or something cheesy like that. (NOT A SPOILER, JUST SOME RANDOMLY MADE UP, THOUGH IT'S CLOSE TO THE REAL EPISODES OF INUYASHA AFTER A WHILE) The Kagome in the anime and the Kagome in the manga are totally different. Kagome in the anime is a whiny, non-deserving brat with screaming Inuyasha issues. Kagome in the anime has some pride and honour left and at least shows some character developements, which brings us to my next point. The characters are terrible. Not once do they show they have matured with the events of the story. They may fall in love and stuff, but there is little to no amount of real individual character developemet. I read parts of the manga and I must say I am sorely disappointed of the people that butchered Takahashi-san's work. True, it was not very interesting in the manga, with lot's of scenes repeating, but if the manga was turned into an anime with the same feeling it would be a lot higher on the chart then many other animes, and not in the place it is now. Something else I have noticed is: SPOILER FOR THE FIRST AND SECOND EPISODE ^-^ Though Inuyasha could run faster then most demons, can flip and turn in midair (Which should be impossible since Inuyasha did not show and never did show any power connected to 'Wind Walking') he could not catch a normal girl that could not tame wild powers and it running directly away from him in a straight line, which is, and should be, easier for him then anything. Well, that's all I could so for memory! ^-^ I Think.... I Think That Inuyasha Is The Best Anime Out There, Its Not To Violent, But It Does Have Fighting. It Has Everything I Could Ever Want In A Tv Show. It Has Love Triangles, How Hard School Is, Fighting, The Bad Guy, The Guy You Love But Is Like To Good To Be True (Fluffy ^.^), People Write Amazing Fanfictions For, It And The Main Character, Is Abused Made Fun Of Outcasted, Just Like Most Children Are Just From Being Different. There are so many Different Characters That You Can't Help But Relate To One Or More Of Them. An Everyone Is Just So Hot!!! *drool*, If I Ever Saw A Guy With Long Silver Hair, White Puppy Ears, Claws And Fangs Walking Down The Street I Would Die. *.* [ Oct 8, 2005 19:11 ] cappuccino17Awwwesome. Inuyasha is an awesome anime. It is quite long yes, but the animation is wonderful, the characters are built really well and the PLOT, wow the plot is sensational. It's so imaginative. Everything the show is based on was pulled out of a brilliant and vivid imagination, kind of like a young person's daydream in an adult's mind. [ Jul 14, 2005 9:33 ] The Eternal HyperMy favourite characters are Inuyasha, Miroku, Sesshomaru and Kagome. Inuyasha because he's so rough, yet so gentle as well. It bugs me that he's so confused about Kikyo, (why he fusses over the dead woman I'll never know). He's so much like his brother, but doesn't know it. Sesshomaru is also rough, cold and stoic in nature but you can tell he also has a heart. (They're both so sexy too. :D) Miroku, who DOESN'T love Miroku. He's the sexy/cute lecher. Kagome, well the pure hearted pretty angel who is so young yet is able to withstand so much in the feudal era. Especially Inuyasha. She's also got this hot temper which makes her all the more lovely. Overall I think everything in this anime is great, and currently I'm saving up to buy the manga! :D Inu-Yasha Rocks. I'm totally obsessed with Inuyasha! I have been since I first started watching anime, which was about 3 or 4 years ago. The manga is, in my opinion, better than the anime, but the different drawing style they're doing now in the animation is pretty amazing. I wouldn't say the dubbed-over voices are the best, but they did a better job than some other animes that I've seen before... Overall, Rumiko Takahashi's work has just the right dose of comedy, action, and romance to satisfy anyone! [ Apr 8, 2005 21:24 ] ShabopoInteresting Inu-Yasha is a rather interesting series, in that the manga are well-drawn and often fairly serious, while the anime warps it and makes the characters far more immature than they truly are. Watching one gives you a completely different impression of the story than reading the other. [ Apr 1, 2005 18:46 ] Inu_terraIt's a rather clear-cut example of US trying to make a more adult series child-friendly. So, I recommend the manga highly- there are details, incredible scenes, and intricate character development abounding- but I highly recommend avoiding the tv show. The animation is not that great and it makes key characters far more shallow than they usually act in the manga. puppyChan I love our little fuzzy eared puppy and I wanted to warn others of the addicting quailities of the anime. WARNING you will end up yelling at the telivison for another episode at the end of friday nights. If you doen't happen to get the channel, beware you will find yourself mouching Inuyasha goodness from your friends in the form of sleepovers just so that you can enjoy the ear twitching, smirking,feh,Sit, shippou whinning jelousy and other such goodnesses one comes to asociate with Inuyasha!Beware the monk and you sould servive your newest obsession! And yes your not alone everyone wants to tweek his puppy ears!!!! yeah Inuyasha and kagome! 10 out of 10 nee? [ Jan 17, 2005 15:15 ] shikon_no_tamainuyasha inuyasha is my # 1 favorite anime. its out standing its a mixture of comedy, romance, action and, adventure. id give it a 20/10 but since that not allowed 10/10 even the cliff hangers are great [ Jan 16, 2005 14:55 ] Little-shadow-foxTHE BEST! The most awesome show ever! it has adventure, comedy, romance and action in one! one of the greatest animes i have ever seen and or read! [ Nov 16, 2004 7:52 ] AndreahTreoleINUYASHA! The best anime of seen so far. I enjoy the plot that the great and talented and wonderful Rumiko Takahashi created. The lovable characters, especially everyone's favorite hanyou, and the 'EVIL' enemies make this anime a phenomenonal, well thought out, *continues for hours*, beautifully drawn anime.... [ Aug 10, 2004 14:18 ] Moonlight ShadowIt's the best! I know, I probably sound like another yuppie fan-girl, but it really is true: "Inuyasha" is a well-balanced anime and manga (the books). [ Jul 29, 2004 20:43 ] Link Master500With all the plot devolpments and the intricacies of personalities of each character, it makes you want to delve deeper into the world of this half-dog-demon and his companions--not to mention is very skewed love life. Rumiko Takahashi, the authoress of "Inuyasha" (and "Ranma 1/2", "Maison Ikkoku", and quite a few others) is a genius, even though the anime episodes curtails some of her more romantic moments. Her story applies to both male and female and this is something that allows people to enjoy the storyline, and each other's company. Definitely 10/10 ~Moonlight Shadow Author of many "Inuyasha" fan fics. A great anime Inuyasha is an anime that seems to catch the hearts of people that watch it. It looks good, it sounds good, and the animation is good. Their seems to be no flaw in this anime, or is there? Yeah, Inuyasha is a fine anime to just sit down and watch, but some parts can get really annoying, especially those cliffhangers at the end of some episodes. You watch it, you watch it, and you watch it, but then the credits start to roll and what they were just doing won't be on until next weekend, sucks doesn't it? Other than that, Inuyasha seems to be an almost perfect anime, but the cliffhangers just ruin everything since you have to wait 7 days before it goes on again. I give it 4 out of 5. Also, about the cliffhangers, the problem is solved since Inuyasha is on everyday at 12:30 AM on Adult Swim which should be on cartoon network. So now you can watch it without you using satelites or stuff people use to get more channels. [ Jul 3, 2004 0:25 ] Inu_RebelBabe07THE BEST OUT THERE Inuyasha is my favorite anime of all time. What's not to love with wide varity of the characters. From a cute half dog demon to a perverted monk. Also a loving miko reincarnation to a kick butt girl. From girls to boys, and from kids to adults...its a must see. The show adds vest to you life and can get you addicted from watching one episode. It did for me ^_^ [ Mar 14, 2004 20:31 ] Kagura_YashaKaze no Kizu What's not to love about a dog-eared hanyou, a miko from the future, a *cough*slightly*cough* perverted monk, an orphaned kitsune, and a stoic taiji-ya kicking evil jewel-shard stealing baboon-pelt wearing hanyou butt? [ Feb 18, 2004 8:05 ] monkeymary89The feelings Inuyasha still holds for Kikyo is an interesting addition to the series, because he may (or may not) have feelings for another incarnation of that particular soul . . . As well, the side stories are amusing, and it gives subtle mention to issues in our society, like bullying, which is cool. All in all, Rumiko Takahashi has created yet another great anime/manga series which makes me laugh, cry, and scream. Inuyasha rocks Inuyasha is a great anime with something for everyone. There is action, fighting, gore, and adventure for the boys and romance and drama for the girls. And who can say no to time traveling and physical comedy? It has a kindhearted school girl, a perverted monk with wandering hands, a half demon with cute doggy ears and a girl with a huge boomarang and isn't afraid to use it. I give this show 5 thumbs up (Is that even possible?) and on a scale of 1 to 10 I give it a 15. For those of you have already seen this show I have 2 words for you, SIT BOY! [ Feb 17, 2004 14:20 ] LynxzeoThe best Anime!! a great show. ya just gotta love it. it's sometimes sooooooo hilarious like the time where Sango and Kagome was taking a bath and Sango threw a rock into some bushes and KOed a monkey. Then Miro and Inu comes and sees what's wrong and sees the girls naked. a lump on the head 4 each one of em!! That was really funny [ Feb 16, 2004 18:27 ] Rain BINUYASHA'S MY LIFE SUPPORT! Inuyasha is my **favourite** anime!!! There's absolutely nothing not to life about it! The characters are awesome, in the way they look and act. And the story line is just wicked! I watch the english version monday-thursday nights on satellite and every friday on cable. I'm rather quite addicted... [ Nov 8, 2003 16:48 ] GengetsuDragonTHE BEST ANIME!!!!!!!!!! Inu yasha is one of the best animes created!It includes action,romance,and humor!So far this is as much as I remember of the first episode: [ Oct 13, 2003 8:52 ] joyce886Kagome is an average teen learning in school,enjoying herself with her free time,hanging with her friends,anything a normal teen girl would do.One day she refused to listen to her grandfathers lessons(As usual)and stumbled by a well with her brother.She approaches the well and gets grabbed by a woman in the shape of a spider.When she climbs out of the well she finds herself in a whole other era.She finds a person pinned to a tree with an arrow through his heart(I think).She is mistakened as a woman named Kikyou(Whom,by the way,is my least fav. character)in a near by village.The so called Kikyou's sister Kaede told her that she might be a reincarnation of her sister.After dicussing all about Kikyou the spider woman appeared again and demanded that she wants Kagome because she posessed a jewel called the Shikon no Tama.She is chased into the forest where she meets the man that was pinned to the tree.She remembered that Kaede mentioned of him and they called him Inu Yasha,Kikyou's love who betrayed her.The spider woman attacks Kagome which forces her to pull the arrow from Inu Yashas' body.He awakes and attacks the spider woman but he a wants the jewel Kagome posesses and attacks her.She yells 'sit' and Inu Yasha falls to the ground.The jewel was then taken bya black crow and Kagome used her bad archery and aimed for the crow.Surprisingly,she hit the crow but in the process she shattered the Shikon no Tama.Now Inu Yasha must join with Kagome on the quest to collect all of the Shikon no Tama peices. Well that's about it.I think I went kinda into the second or third episode but oh well... Inuyasha I just love this show!i love it!i love it!i love it!too bad they only show inuyasha once a week every friday here at canada,well i still think it's a cool show actually this is my 2nd favorite,my first favorite is fushigi yuugi. [ Oct 9, 2003 9:51 ] Malik-chanThe girl who overCame time and the boys who was just overcome First off you can't help but fall in love with the White hair, Dog ear Half Demon. Inuyasha's I think is a great Character. I really love the Animation of it. The Music in it is really Good. And the story line and the plot is Very well thought out. I give it a Ten Out of Ten +-winks-+ +-hugs Inuyasha plushie-+ [ Back To Top ] |