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  Title: Crest of the Stars
Genre: Action / Romance / Sci-fi
Run Time: 25 minutes
Publisher: Bandai
Released On: January 01, 1991
Type: Both
TV Episode(s)/Manga Volumes: 13
Movie(s): 1
Rating:5.00 Rating          Votes: 1

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Characters: Admiral Trife, Arisa, Baron Febdash, Berusa, Bill, Clyuve, Daswani, Deesh, Dorin Ku, Dubus, Dusanyu, Empress Ramaj, Entryus, Grieda, Gwen, Gyumuryua, Izan, Jinto, Jinto Lin, Kahyul, Kufadis, Kuhaspia, Kyte, Lafiel, Lafiel, Lairia, Leshikuna, Makali, Marca, Min, Muinishu, Nantryua, Narrator, Plakia Lexshue, Rock Lin, Rurune, Sangalini, Saryush, Seelnay, Shuril, Sluf, Spoor, Undertaker, Yunseryua

Crest of the Stars - Description/Synopsis
Based on a sci-fi novel series, Crest of the Stars (Seikai no Monsho) is the first installment in this sci-fi saga. The story follows Jinto, a young prince, whose world was taken over by the largest Empire in the Galaxy: The Abh. Jinto\'s father handed their world over to the Abh in exchange for a standing in the Abh Empire. As a result, Jinto became a prince and was shipped off for an Abh Education. Later he meets a princess of the Abh Empire, Lafiel, whom he quickly befriends despite her cold exterior. The Abh empire is plunged into war and the story continues from there...

Sequels are Banner of the Stars I and II. A prequel chapter, named \'Lost Chapter of the Stars: Birth\' was released on the Banner of the Stars II DVD. There is also a 90-minute version of the Crest of the Stars storyline released as a movie.

Crest and Banner of the Stars have also been adapted as a 3-part manga series, released Stateside by Tokyopop.

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