It Can’t End Like This…

Demon prince Ryoshan from my story. Of course now, he is in his human form and with good reason. After nearly six years of running and preparing himself for his coming of age (16) so that he can avenge the death of his father, he becomes injured from a battle with a group of mercenaries that the false king has hired to stop Ryo from reclaiming his throne. After traveling many miles on his faithful horse (not shown) he finds a clearing where he rests for the night. Giving his only form of warmth, a large blanket, to his horse, he lies down in the snow trying to find warmth within his battle worn clothing. Fatigue and the pain from his injuries over take him as dark thoughts begin to fill his head while the snow gently falls on him. Surely it can’t end like this… Media used: Photoshop and a mouse (which decided to be a little more forgiving than normal. I’m surprised!)

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