
It had been millennia since anything had the power to replace this torment as foremost in my thoughts. In fact, if truth be told, it had only happened once before. It was also the shedding of innocent blood. Since the `Fall of Man', innocents have been slaughtered by the thousands, yet these two in particular caught my attention.
It was near the beginning when I first looked up from this pit. I watched as the first life was cruelly snuffed out. I watched as his brother tried to hide the body, planting the first seed of blood in the soil. That day, I rejoiced with my brothers, believing that victory was soon ours. It would have been better that he had lived. His death instigated a cycle we could not stop. On that day, Jehovah pledged to redeem His lost creation. My master's defeat was sealed the moment that first innocent breathed his last.
Now again we wait anxiously as another innocent nears us. This is the Promise, the key Jehovah planned to use to unlock salvation for his wayward children. But my master reached him first, and in just a moment it will be over, and the world will be thrown into the same torment I have suffered all these years. Yet something inside me stirs where my heart once was. There is a feeling of expectancy, a knowing that this is not the end. I remember all too well the first death. I firmly believe my master is foolish to think that this will mean victory. We thought we had won in the past, but the enemy we face knows all and cannot be touched by our feeble plans.
So I watch, waiting for His plan to unfold. I do not know what will happen; I only know that something will.
“My God, My God! Why have you forsaken me?”
I do not understand it. I know this is the right one. He is the one we have been waiting for. Invisible to human eyes, armies of His hosts hover, waiting for a single command that would allow them to strike, to drive us back. But the command never comes.
“It is finished.”
And my master has won.
Disappointment, the likes of which I have never before felt, floods me. This cannot be the end! This war cannot be over! My brothers swarm the newcomer, taunting Him, torturing Him, rejoicing in their victory. No one, not even my master, notices the pain is still present. If we were victorious, wouldn't this torment dissipate? Wouldn't we be free to infest the Earth?
I push my way through the celebrating throng. It takes many hours for we are numerous. But I keep going until I am at His side.
“Take me with you.” His eyes hold mine, and in that moment I know I am right.
“You wish to go with me? Do you know where I am going?”
“Away from here.”
“You are sure of that?”
“I know who you are. And I believe.”
“You are a creature of darkness. Do you believe that even you could live long enough to earn your own redemption?”
“You died to save the sons of man.”
“Salvation is much easier for them than it will be for you.”
“I do not care. I will try. Even if I an destined to fail, I must at least try.”
“If you are determined, then come.”
I did not know my eyes were closed until I opened them. Even now, the darkness is so thick it makes little difference. I feel the chill of the grave seeping into me, trying to drag me back to my master. No…he is no longer my master; I have a new Lord now.
I find the door blocked with a boulder. For a man it would be impossible to move, but it is nothing more than a minor hindrance. Within seconds the stone is rolled back and bright sunlight surrounds me. I cannot help but sit and stare up and the marvel that is the daylight, the light I have not seen in thousands of years. He has called you out of darkness, into His marvelous light…
It is then I see them: women huddled together in fear. These are believers, come to care for their Lord. I cannot help but smile at them, the joy in my new heart spilling over inside me.
“Do not be afraid. The One you are seeking is not here. He is Risen!”

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