Seasons of Sadness

I just finished this the day of the contest’s ending, so it’s in on time, YAY! Kenshin and Tomoe are my favorite couple in this series. I wish she could have lived even a little longer. This is first completed picture I have ever drawn on the computer that didn’t involve the Paint application. The lines, though you can’t see them anymore, were done by hand on Bristol vellum, first in pencil then inked. I chose not to put in lines mostly because the scan looked horrible and also because I changed some things in the picture that would have showed through. I haven’t yet learned how to draw line work on the computer and I don’t have a tablet yet. The coloring was done with GIMP which is fun to use and is all I can afford right now. This took forever and a day and I’m glad the deadline was extended or it wouldn’t have been done in time. P.S. The title “Seasons of Sadness” was picked because I’m horrible at titles and couldn’t think of anything else that wasn’t just as melodramatic. Sorry.

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