Sen-Blistered Transformation

Hmmm….I’m not sure if I can REALLY classify this as a daemon,but……..then I can (I’m so confused!!!!!ARGHHHHHHHH…damn human bodies!)
This is a different version of Sen (funnyguyinrobewholookslikeJoaquinPheonix)…but he’s wearing (or should I say “it’s wearing him”) an ugly piece of scientific machinery which supplies him with a constant stream of energy and restrains him when he should be……quite a variation on the whips and chains eh?….The thing is with Sen is that he is his own weapon…a bit like the guy from Terminator 2 except his body,flesh,skin and bone etc. can move and change as he sees for example,if he needed a sharp object to cut those stubborn hedges round his garden…the forearm bones could meld,extend and sharpen as well as burst through the skin….yummy 😐
Quite a versatile guy this…never really a dull and predictable moment when he’s around….ofcourse though….he CAN do alot more (snigger!)
(naughty grin)
This picture is just a minor example of what he can do….next time….I’m giving him horns! (joking…but I can if I want….okay I’ll shutup)
I’m going to go see Kimu tooooddddaaaayyyyyyyyy….aoooooh…she’ss oooooooooooooooooooo snuggly!!!!


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