Page 11: Cross-time!
At the airport, a certain fellow arrives. “I’m finally back! Oh yeah, time to look for a school. Hm, this looks fine.”
Meanwhile, back at Kai’s house, Sai and Kai are enjoying themselves.
“Stop that!” Sai said.
“No, I won’t! Here’s more!”
“Hey, that tickles! Hehe! Please stop!” Well, what are we doing so early in the morning? We’re playing with each other. Is that against the law? I don’t think so. But when I thought it was fine, I saw the time. It’s almost 9 AM!
“Let’s stop and prepare for school. We’re going to be late!” Then we finally made in on time. I’m so glad we aren’t late.
“Class, settle down.” Our teacher came in. “We have a new classmate today, and I want you to welcome him. Come here and introduce yourself.” A boy came in. He’s tall, pale skin, blue eyes, and brown hair, a handsome guy for his age. “Good Morning. My name is Nagi Zefiric. I’m very pleased to meet you all.”
“So you have any questions about him?” Our teacher asked us.
“Um, you look like a foreigner, so in what countries have you been?” A classmate of mine asked.
“I’ve been to Germany, France, America, Spain, Japan, Philippines, Singapore, Korea, Saudi Arabia, and Canada.”
“Wow, you’re family must’ve been rich!”
“Ok class, enough questions. Let’s begin class. Nagi, you can seat over there, beside the girl with the yellow hair.” Our teacher’s pointing on a seat next to mine. “Ok, let’s start class.”
During class, I noticed that he’s always looking at me. It’s kinda bugging me. I don’t think Kai noticed that Nagi’s looking at me. “Sigh, it’s so hard to be beautiful, ouch.”
After class, I waited for Kai outside the classroom. But before Kai came, Nagi walked to me and talked. “Sorry about what happened earlier. I know it made you uncomfortable.”
“Huh? What are you talking about?” I do know what he’s talking about. He’s talking about him looking at me during class. “I was staring at you during class.”
“Oh, that? It’s ok. Don’t worry about it.” Finally, Kai came and ended our little chat. “So, are you ready to go home now, Sai?”
“Yes. Nagi, come with us. We can talk while we go home.”
“Sure.” And all of us went home. On the way we had some talks about school and stuff. We all asked questions about each other.
“Had any friends in those countries?” I asked.
“No, I don’t have many friends.”
“Poor guy. Hey, you can hang with us. I’m sure Ken and Suichiro would be happy.”
“Thank you.” He replied. We continued talking until we arrived at Nagi’s house. “Thank you very much for taking me home. Good night.”
“Good night.”
“Well, he doesn’t seem like a bad guy.” I said.
“I guessed so. Anyways, let’s go home.”