Every Move of my Life
Page 13: The Every Move Of My Life
One night, I sat on my computer to work on a little project requested by a friend over the internet. He asked me to make him a piano score, and so I went working on it.
But, since I’m somewhat lazy, I opened my messenger, and had a little chat with a friend. He was in a serious mood, because he told me he had some problems concerning social life. Anyways, we talked for some hours.
“Sai, can I ask you a question.” My friend, LS, as I call him, sent me a message.
I replied, “Yes LS, you can. So, what’s up?”
“So, I want to ask about your life.”
“I won’t tell if you tell yours. You already know half of mine.”
“Teehee, yeah. I figured that out. Ok, I’ll start.” After a few more minutes, someone came up.
“Hello? Who’s this?” I don’t really know this person. One question popped into my mind. How would anyone I don’t know mailed me? I don’t give out any information about me unless I know the person. Moreover, I haven’t met the person in my entire lifetime. Anyways, I had to know. I said goodnight to my friend LS and continued chatting with J, as he calls himself.
“I should be the one asking you that question.” I replied.
“I’m J. You sent me your mail address around 2 months ago.”
“Really? I don’t recall.” Well, I never had any contacts lately, even in the internet. I never gave any information about me, for the past 7 months. So, how would he know? I had to play along.
“Check again my profile. You will remember.” And I did check his profile. Still, no clue.
“Sorry, still no answer.” I really have no idea who he was, but I am very, very sure that I never met him before. I was looking at his webcam, and saw his face. I am trying my best to recognize the face, but I failed. “Anyways, what’s up?”
“Do you have time to go out?”
“Well, I think I’m free on the weekends.” I’ll have to cancel all my appointments on Saturday.
“So, what are we going to do?” I asked him.
“Walk around and stuff. Don’t worry, you’ll surely enjoy.” Well, I bet I will.
“OK, ok. Sure. But, tell me a little bit about yourself.” I know he won’t give out information, but I had to ask.
“I’m 26 years old, a part-time swimming instructor. You?”
“I’m just a regular 18-year-old girl.”
“That’s good. You’re younger than me. I like younger people. They’re more fun to be with.”
“That’s good to hear. Anyways, I need to go back to work. So, goodnight.”
“Good night too.” After that, I made a background check on him. I had to make sure that I will be safe. Anyways, Kai and Nagi wouldn’t mind if I go. They’ll understand.
I found out that the information he gave me was true. I was surprised to see that. Anyways, I went back to work. I continued doing some technical stuff.
Saturday, around nine in the morning, I went to the appointed place. He wasn’t there yet, as I see it. Anyways, I waited patiently for his arrival. Finally, after a few minutes [that feels like hours], he came.
“You’re a little late.” I was going to say ‘a lot’, but I’m trying to make a good impression.
“Sorry. I had to cancel some appointments. Anyways, let’s go around and stuff.” I really think he’s bad, but I don’t want to jump into conclusions. I want to make sure, and so I have to gather data.
I asked someone to do a little spy work for me while I’m with him, and tell me what things I can do to prevent anything suspicious.
So far, nothing came up. We just went to a restaurant, watched a movie, went to a gym, and other places. Our last stop was on the Swimming Pool he was working in. “Care for a swim?”
It’s just plain weird, but ok, I’ll play along. “Sure. Let’s go.” We spent 2 hours there, which made me feel sore and tired. He took me home anyways.
“So, this is goodnight.” I said.
“I guessed so. Had fun?”
“Yes. That was a unique date for me.”
“Really? That’s good to hear.”
“Good night.”
“Good night.”