Love Story
Page 14: Love Story
Sigh, when I woke up it was raining outside. I don’t remember hearing the weather forecast saying anything about raining today.
Since I have nothing to do today, I sat on my computer, and did some little work. I worked on a friend’s request. She wants me to make a story about herself [as she wants me to see it that way], and about her high school love story.
“I have a certain classmate. Well, He’s pretty shy and quiet. I never heard him speak in class, not even once did I hear his voice. But my best friend told me that he kinda likes me. My best friend also knows that I like him, but she dared not to say it. Eventually, we became friends. I was happy that we became friends, but he never changed. He’s still as quiet as he used to be. Anyways, I tried with all my might to know more about him. I finally succeeded. I found out that he’s a scholastic/athletic type who is a little shy when it comes to relations with other people.
I felt lucky, because knowing that even if he’s shy when it comes to people, I became friends with someone like him.” My friend mailed me a message online.
“That’s a pretty nice love story you got there. So, what happened next?” I replied.
”I hid my feelings. I don’t want the friendship to fade away. I don’t want to lose him. I don’t want to do anything that will make him go away. I want him to stay with me.”
“That’s a really old problem. What you need to do is to make sure about your feelings towards him, and try to feel what he feels. See if he’s falling for you. Try asking your best friend to help you with the work.”
“Thank you very much.”
“Anyways, I like your story, but one thing puzzles me. Why mail me?”
“I read about your works, and I became your fan. I tried many ways of contacting you, and finally found you after searching for almost 4 months. I just have a request if you wouldn’t mind.”
“It’s ok. Let it rip.”
“Can you make my story a… real story? I mean I told you my story, and I would like to request that you make a story about it. Just a fan request…”
“Ok, I’ll try doing one. Since it is near Christmas, I’ll try to make it a Christmas story, ok?”
“Yes. That would be fine. Thank you.”
“Good day.”
“A good day to you too.” I closed the online mailing service, and continued making the project. There was one thing on mind: “A girl who loves a boy. The girl hides her feelings for the boy because she’s afraid of losing her new friend.”
I have no idea how to start with the story. In fact, I don’t relate much to her story, though she and I share one thing, hidden love. A love kept in one’s heart, locked up there, just to keep someone near you.
“Let’s try this. The girl and the boy met as classmates. The boy is a shy and quiet one, and so the girl liked him. Anyways, the girl befriends the boy and succeeds. The girl’s love for the boy developed as time passes, but she kept it in her heart. Yup, this is good.” I said to myself. Anyways, I started writing the story.
Finally the winter vacation came. I looked down to the streets from my apartment’s window and saw so many people. Snow rained smoothly that night. Whenever I see snow, I remember so many things, especially the part where I spent every Christmas alone. Literally alone, that is. I do not have many friends in school, even though I am popular. Maybe it is because they are afraid of me… I DO NOT BITE! I can’t even hurt a fly. Whatever the reason, I am not spending this winter vacation alone, unlike like the last time, since I now have someone to share it.
He was a classmate back in high school. Back then, he was a shy and quiet person. However, I know something in him is special, something like ‘I met him before but I don’t know when and/or when’ or ‘you look like someone I knew’. Still, he looks so cute, and I can’t help but to stare at him from a distance. I don’t want him to be paranoid about it.
One day, he missed one class, and he had to study because we have a quiz on that day. Since I am the first one in class, he approached me and asked me about yesterday’s lessons. I gave him my notebook and he started reading. After a while, he asked me about how to do these and those. I taught him how those answers were got, and he understood it well. We discussed all the lessons until the quiz started. After that, we got perfect scores, and he was so happy.
“You know, yesterday I was so nervous because of the test, but thanks to you I got a perfect score. I’m so happy.” He said.
“Well, I’m happy for you. When you need help, just approach me.”
“Sure. I’ll do that.”
Since then, he and I became friends. We study and eat together, and we never leave each other’s side wherever we go. It’s like this everyday since he came. I never had a friend like him; moreover, I never had any real friends. Compared with some classmates of mine, I don’t feel abused when I’m with him.
We have to leave that for now. We need to spend our semester breaks separately. He needs to go home to his province, while I stay in my house. In that 1 week, I felt loneliness and incompletion. I felt blank and unloved.
In that same week, I had a terrible dream. A certain classmate of mine phoned me and informed me about an accident somewhere near the school. A car exploded when a falling tree crushed it down. All the passengers died in that accident. “So?” I replied. My classmate told me that ‘he’ was in that same car. I cried. I dropped the phone and cried harder. My heart felt so heavy and painful, somewhat begging me to end my life right here, right now. I then heard a voice. I knew it was his voice, “Don’t do it…”
I awaken from that dream, finally. Later that day, I fell asleep again. I had the continuation of that terrible dream. I was attending a funeral… his funeral. In that dream, I was wearing a black Chinese outfit with white sleeves. My friend tries to calm me down, but I cried and cried from grief and depression.
Then the week later, a terrible storm broke out. At that point, my heart felt weaker and heavier. Tears tried to come out, but I let them stay. I don’t want to cry again, not now. I have to make sure.
I tried sending him messages now and then, but I had no reply. I tried to think positively by thinking that maybe he had no more balance in his phone, or the area he is in cannot be reached, but still I felt uneasy.
Finally, the storm broke, and classes resumed. I was so happy to see him again. My heart’s weight lightened and my depression just went away. I ran to him and hugged him tightly, crying.
“What’s the matter?” He said.
“You made me worry. I thought you were gone.”
“Why? What happened?”
“I had a terrible dream. A classmate me and informed that a car exploded when it was crushed down by a falling tree. All the passengers died in that accident and you were in that car. Then later that day, I had its continuation, your funeral. I was so scared, because I haven’t seen you for 3 weeks.”
“I’m here now. Don’t cry.” I kept on crying and crying.
So I haven’t told him yet. I wanted something more than friendship. I had to let it pass up for a while, because I am afraid that he will take it negatively. I waited and waited until he made the first move, finally.
We went to a quiet place. He wants us to be in a quiet place, alone. That night I was nervous, but I like him and trust him, so I probably won’t mind if he decides to do it or not. Finally, he said it out. He loves me. I told him that I love him too. Since then, under that beautiful moonlight, we became closer, as close as I wanted it to be.
Finally came December 17, the winter vacation. He told me that he would show me to his parents. Of course, I was nervous. I never met anyone’s parents but myself, let alone his parents. I don’t know what they will do to me!
We drove to his house [wow, he has a car]. There, at the gates of his house awaits his parents. “I’m so nervous, what if your parents dislike me?”
“Don’t worry. They won’t.” We finally dropped off. He held my hand and whispered to me. “Just relax and stay by me.”
“Would you like to introduce us to our guest?” His dad said.
“Yes, I forgot. Sai, meet my parents. Mom and dad, meet Sai.” Well, we had the formal introductions, so what’s next? We sat down, all of us. Nagi sat beside me, and his parents on the other side.
“So son,” His mom asked, “How long have you known her?”
“For one and a half year, mom.” He replied.
“Son, would you be so kind to fetch us some drinks?”
“Sure dad.” He left me alone with his parents.
“So, missy,” Nagi’s dad called me, “what do you think of our son?”
“Umm, he’s a kind and gentle person.” I replied, nervously.
“Don’t be nervous, dear. We won’t bite.” This time, his mother spoke. “Ok.” I smiled, still trying to hide the nervousness.
“Do you know how to do house chores?” His mom asked.
“Yes. I do well in managing my home.” I replied.
“’Your’ home? Where are your parents?”
“Dad died 4 years ago. Mom soon followed.”
“Oh, that’s so tragic. It must’ve been lonely and hard for you.”
“No, not really. It’s not that lonely once I got used to it.”
“Ok, here’s the drink.” Nagi finally returned with the drinks. “So, what happened here?” Nagi asked me.
“Uh…” His mom interrupted, “Well, we just had a little chat with Sai. So Sai, Do you mind if we visit your home for dinner?”
“No, I don’t. Please do come.”
“It’s settled then. When can we go?” His dad asked.
“Well, I’ll let Nagi decide on that.” I said.
“Ok, so… How about December 24? Since Sai will spend her Christmas alone, why don’t we celebrate it together?”
“Yup, that’s a good idea. So how about it Sai?”
“It’s fine. Don’t worry; I’ll fix everything till then.”
Nagi drove me home. He even took me to my doorstep. “Nagi, please be careful on your way home.”
“Don’t worry, I will. You too.”
“I’m at my home now, so I will be safe.”
“Accidents happen, everywhere and every time.”
“Ok, I’ll be careful. Goodbye.”
“Goodbye.” I closed the door as soon as he drove away. I still have so many things to do until the family dinner, so I fixed everything up before the day even came. I made salad, turkey, spaghetti, cakes, desserts, and much, much more. I then noticed it became more like a fiesta rather than a simple dinner, but what the heck, I would like them to eat heavy.
The doorbell finally rang. Nagi and his parents were waiting outside. I opened the door and let them enter. “Please wait at the living room. I’ll fix up dinner. Please, make yourselves at home.” I hurried to the Kitchen. “Mom, I’ll go help Sai.” He followed soon to the kitchen to assist me, leaving the parents to talk with each other.
“Well dear, our son’s finally maturing.” His dad said.
“Yes dear. Do you think he and Sai look good together?”
“Well, um, I guess so.”
“Look at them. They’re like couples, fixing up dinner. I favor Sai for my son.” His mom said.
“That’s what I had in mind.”
“Mom and Dad, the dinner’s ready.” Nagi went to fetch his parents while I set the plates and the food on the table. “Wow, Sai, you fixed up a banquet.” His mom said. “I just want us to have a happy meal.” I replied.
After dinner, we had some performances, courtesy of me and my piano, plus Nagi’s family singing Christmas songs.
“Nagi dear, come here.” Nagi’s parents were at the door. “What is it mom?”
“Stay here for the night, until the next day, ok?”
“Well, don’t you want to want to spend Christmas with her?”
“It’s not like that, but, how about you guys?”
“Oh, we’ll be fine.”
“Now son, don’t do anything bad, ok?”
“Sure dad.” He closed the door, and his parents went home.
“What happened?” I asked him.
“Nothing much. They just want me to stay here until the next day.”
“That will be good. Let’s get some sleep. It’s already 10 PM.” Then we went to my room, lied on my bed, beside each other. We had to move closer to each other because the bed is a little small for two people. “It’s a little cold tonight, don’t you think?” I told him.
“Yes. It does feel cold.” Duh, it’s December.
“Move a little closer. We could share our body heat to keep us warm.” Are we in some icy-cold place to share our body heat? Are you crazy? Well, at least I would feel good. I moved closer and have him wrap his arms to me.
“I feel warm.” Yes, I do feel warm, and quite idiotic if it was not for love. Anyways, I like this feeling. He’s very warm and soft. Maybe I should do this more often. Maybe I should have him stay with me in this house for a long, long while.
The following morning I woke up early and prepared breakfast. After that, I took my bath and waked the sleepyhead up.
“Wake up sleepyhead. It’s Christmas.” And he was up, barely awake. I gave him a little kiss in the cheeks to make him feel alive. It worked, and I had him eat breakfast and take a bath. After that, we went outside and roamed around the city.
He took me to a store and bought me a dress. We then went to a festival and spent 2 hours there. After that, we went to the amusement park and enjoyed playing around.
Nighttime already? It’s so sudden. Anyways, we heard of the Christmas Festival, hosted by our school, to be celebrated near some temple. We went there and saw so many people dressed up for Christmas. We went to the temple and prayed.
“God, please don’t take Nagi away from me. I can’t bear the pain it will cause me.”
“God, I thank you for giving me Sai. I promise not to leave her side ever. Please give us your blessing. Bless us with a wonderful relationship.”
After praying, we enjoyed the rest of the Christmas Eve in the festival. We had some barrage of food, games and entertainment; but still we needed to be alone. He took me to a secret place. It was at a cliff beyond the forest. The place isn’t very far from the festival, just around 15 meters, and you can see the city from the bench. There we sat and had our moment.
“Nagi, Merry Christmas. Here’s my gift.” I gave him my gift I bought when he wasn’t looking. “Oh, thank you. I’ll take this with me always.” It was a necklace, a paired one. I bought it because it looks so romantic, having a pairing necklace worn by loving couples. “Here’s my gift to you.” He gave me a notebook, a pen, a ring, and a dress.
“I know you love to write, and I want to see you happy. I also want you to have this ring as a reminder that I will always love you. I also bought this dress for you, because I know you wanted it so much.”
“The only gift I could ever ask God for is you, my Nagi.”
“Oh baby, I was thinking the very same thing.” We kissed while watching the fireworks.
Our love then bloomed into a new form. Nagi and I got married soon after Nagi and I found a job. Nagi became a teacher and I became a novelist. Life wasn’t so hard for us. A few years later, our love gave us two kids, which we named Jed and Kai, from a character in one of my novels. We were both so happy that the two came. Now we had a new meaning in life.
Christmas holds so many memories about my life, both were cruel and happy. But whatever memories it held in my past, I am still happy that Christmas came to my life with a joy, and changed my life.
“There! That’s perfect!” I said, “Now to send it to my friend.”
After a few days, I got a reply from my friend. “Thank you very much, Ms. Sai. I really love your work.”
“I’m very flattered. I have a little suggestion. Try to talk to him about it. If he’s a real friend, he will accept you whatever his decision might be.”
“I will try to do that. Thank you again.”