Pit-a-pat Christmas

Page 9: Pit-a-pat Christmas
It’s finally winter vacation, but snow’s not falling yet. It’s already cold, but still no snow. Today is November 20, yet there is no snow falling from the sky. How mysterious.
Since it is winter vacation, I made my list of things to do for this Christmas. I also made a shopping list for myself and my friends. Oh yeah, I forgot that we have something to do. We are going to a hot spring and spend a week there. Alright, I’m packing up.
Then, the doorbell rang. “Sai! Hurry up! We’re going to be late!” I hear Kitsu shouting outside. “Come in. The door’s open.” The group went in. “Wait for a while. I’m waiting for Kai. He told me that he would help me carry this.” I showed them a bag. “That’s quite big, isn’t it?” “Well, it has so many in it, so… Oh, here he is!” I hurriedly ran to the door to answer it. I was right. It is Kai. “Come right in.” “Thank you.”
After a little while, we went to the place. “That was a really long trip.” Ken-chan said. “Well, it’s hard to find a good place.” Kitsu replied. “Well then, let’s go in.” And we went in and spend the whole week there.
Still, there was no snow.
The day today is November 28. There is no sign of snow. But it has been colder than usual. After the group event, I settled down in my apartment. All I can do now is to write new songs, drink warm milk, and wait for Christmas to come…
Today is December 2. It’s colder than last time. It’s really the best time to have snow right now. Oh yeah, I forgot about my concert. It’ll be 22 days till my concert, and I haven’t finished preparing! What will I do?
“Sai, are you there?” Good thing Kai went here. I needed help. “Kai! It’s a very good time, I need help.”
“What about?” He asked.
“You know about my concert, right?”
“Yeah, so?”
“I haven’t prepared anything yet, and there are 22 days till the event!”
“Calm down. We’ll fix everything, together. So, what do you need to do?”
“Umm… I need to find a dress, plan my act, and find me a musician.”
“That’s all? Well then, let’s go and do those.” We went to different stores looking for an outfit that will suit Christmas. Finally, at one store…
“This Santa suit looks cute. Try it on.” Kai gave me the Santa suit, and I put it on. “Wow, it looks good on you.”
“Really? Then I’ll take it.”
“Ok, 1 down, 2 more to go. So, how would you like your performance to be?”
“I would like it to be simple, yet fascinating.”
“Then, some light will do. I’ll tell everything to your manager, and he’ll fix it up.”
“Thanks Kai. Now, all we need is a musician. I have you, but we need a guitarist, a drummer, and a back-up singer.”
“Suichiro and Ken can do the job.”
“Oh yeah, I forgot. I saw those guys perform before. They were so good. Kitsu too. She sings well, and our voice tones together.”
“So everything’s fixed now. Let’s just practice then.”
And we practiced for the whole 21 days.
Finally, it’s December 25, the concert night. There are so many people! I never imagined I would have this large crowd. Plus, there are so many cameras.
“Kai, I’m nervous. This is my first performance…”
“Don’t worry. We’re all here to support you. I’m here with you.” I hugged him tightly.
“Thank you very much.”
“Now let’s go. You’re going to show the world your voice.”
And, I started singing. I first sang “Snow in my Heart”. After the first song, it snowed.
“How cool.” I told myself.
“Keep singing!” I hear the crowd asking me to sing for them. Since the crowd’s lively, I sang my song, “Pit-a-pat Christmas”. All of them went wild! At least I gave them my present this year.
After the concert, someone interviewed me.
“So, what can you say to everyone, Ms. Sai?” The interviewer asked.
“Well, All I can say is that I’m happy that you watched my concert, and Have a happy Christmas!”
“Thank you Ms. Sai.”
“Thank you too.”
“Sai, that was fantastic!”
“You were too.”
“Oh yeah, I want you to have this. Merry Christmas.” He gave me a box, containing a dress.
“And this is for you.” I gave him a T-shirt I personally made. “And this too.” I gave him a warm, loving kiss in the lips. “Thank you Kai, and Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas too, Sai.” And we kissed.

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