What I need
Page 18: What I Need
What I need most… is your love.
I want to see him, even if he just left. I tried not to call him even if I wanted to. I just waited patiently until he came to say goodnight.
“Sai, sleep well. Good night.” He gave me a kiss in the forehead. Before he went through the door, I grabbed his hand tightly.
I was surprised that she grabbed my hand. Moreover, I was shocked when she told me, “Please sleep with me tonight.” I feel like it’s too awkward, but I know I’ll like it. I try my best to suppress any negative feeling for the moment. I want her to feel as comfortable as possible, so I replied, “yes, if that’s what you want.”
“Thank you.”
She wants a hug from me? What is she trying to do? I do not know, but I think I’m about to find out.
“Nagi, please don’t leave me…”
“I won’t leave you. I promise.”
“You don’t know how good it was to hear it from you.” I moved closer to him, giving him a bit of my warmth.”
Yes, it’s confirmed. She does like me. I know she does, but I had to confirm.
“um…” we asked at the same time.
“You go first.” Sai said.
“No, ladies first.”
“Please tell me honestly what you feel about me. If you tell me honestly, I will tell you mine.”
“If that’s the case, then I won’t hide it anymore.” I moved closer to her so that I could tell her clearly and sincerely, “I’m falling in love with you.” I saw her blush a bit.
“I’m falling in love with you too.” She told me. I felt happy. I never felt this much joy in my life since… ever. Also, I loved the way she told me that she loved me. It was so heart melting.
I feel comfortable now that I told him my feelings, and knew his. I felt joy and instantly forgot sadness. I never felt so happy in my life since Kai confessed to me.
That night, of December, was the day that I started a new chapter of my life. A life with a new color, and a different shade. I will remember this night, where the moon shines down on this indigo-colored room through my window.