A nice, disturbing pic of Hiltz

…yeah, this picture was borne of insomnia. I guess I could still call this fault of the Midols, ’cause all the fucking caffiene was keeping me awake until 3:30 this morning .. but it’s partially my fault because:
reading sh33p’s fic, getting too excited at midnight + having chocolate + meaning to watch ONE of the Final 4 and ending up watching ALL 4 + listening to NIN and Skinny Puppy while TRYING to write but not feeling like it .. = that picture.
I like my tablet.. ^____^
OHHH MY GOOOODDD. It looks .. seriously fucked! Doesn’t it? His look .. @_@ But I like it .. it’s like, Hiltz’s look .. *zone* …I guess that’s how I looked at 3 this morning. UnnGGGHhghghhhh.. *snerkdroolfroth* .. o_0 .. I like disturbing pics .. I drew a few more but this was the only good one. *sweeps BS art under rug* ~_~ … eh .. I like lighting .. and stuff .. and um .. yeah .. Hiltz looks too-fucking-much like Brad, or viseversa, or something .. or .. ohno, I believe I HAVE demented myself.
I like psychofusedtocoreHiltz. *0wnZ him* … *bites Van’s face off* Loser. K|LLi||6 Hiltz .. .. ugh.
*needs to sleep tonight. as one can tell*
….*twitch, twitch*


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