
Sesshoumaru hung in the giddy space between denial and grief and watched his hair swirl in the salt water that cradled him. -Tales from the House of the Moon, Chapter 4 // When I first read this sentence, a vivid visual came to me…and this is the result. During this part of the fic Sesshoumaru is caught in a battle to survive, sure if he allows any heavy thoughts to settle on him he will sink to the bottom of the ocean under all the weight… I don’t think I pulled off “under-water” as well as I wanted to, but in a way I seem to have found a happy medium… somewhere between an under-water-like effect that comes off as almost dreamy and detached. Which, to me, fits with the mood and atmosphere of what I was trying to express about the fanfic. So I think one way or another, it works. Pencil sketch colored on Adobe Photoshop 7 via mouse. (Tales from the House of the Moon is by resmiranda)

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