Forever Waiting…

This was meant to be the mirroring image to the Quatre pic i drew ‘so alone’ a few weeks back when i was helping out at my dad’s school. And now that I’ve done it I’m considering removing the blue tie-dye style background. We’ll see. I rarely do the gw girls. Simply because they don’t spark the same reaction for me as the boys do. And to be truthful Relena’s one of my least favourite. But I don’t dislike her. The title – well like Quatre’s I wanted to show my feelings for the character, how I see them. For Quatre, ‘so alone’ started of as ‘surrounded by so many… and yet so alone’ speaking of the fact that because of his position as heir to the winner family he’s always going to be surrounded by people who associate with him merely because of what he is, not who his is and is there for so alone. For Relena I wanted to show her loyalty for Heero. I see her as the kind of girl who grows up forever wanting the one person she can never have. And yet she waits, that small part inside her always insisting that someday her wishes will come true. And unfortunately (or fortunately ^^ if yours a 1x2x1 fan, like myself) it’s never meant to me. She will be forever waiting. Done in painter 7 over a period of time – basically when I’ve had it to spare ^^

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