Ice and Snow

I believe I drew this drawing at around 1 o’clock AM sometime in the summer of 2006, so yeah, it sucks. I know I need to work on the hands, but that’s just because that’s the way the hands looked in the original drawing, so I didn’t really bother much more. I changed the eyes because I though it’d make them look a bit more…well, alive. Bah, this sucks. Not sucks terrible, but still not that great. Yeah, i drew this picture a LONG, LONG time ago. But I still like it. I finally found a scanner at school, so i scanned it on. Because the scanner screen was smaller than my paper, which is 18″X12″, part of the pic got cut off, and the alignment at a place was screwed up, but oh well. Oh, and please just ignore the smears. I didn’t really bother cleaning it up. I may post a new one cleaned, if I have time to clean it. so…COMSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM WELCOMED WITH OPEN ARMS!

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