Let me show you…

this is an extra purk me up for my friend Macbrooks ^^ i was going to post it in the esca scetion but since hes an original charcter i thought it would be best here! hai i love Ikiru (the guy in the pic) too much hehe. and i think – despite hardly reading any scenes with him and Viole in them just knowing about their relationship has me all mushy. for the unknowing viewers… Ikiru is a character a friend of mine created to interact with her Escaflowne fic a long while back. His past connected with Viole and his future with Celena Shezar and Dilandau Albatou ^^ i love the past stuff greatly… and am much pleased with the Viole x Ikiru oneshot she wrote me for my birthday *_* thus prolly the reson for this pic and quote. hmmm aint he a bish! I wuv him so. Alas why are all my fav pairings always oness doomed to a sad ending… err. Emanuel: >< Cause they are all slayer fics >< idiot. oh ¬¬ yes heh of course. hope theres enough freckles this time... there wern't the first time i drew him. and it was either this quote or 'Ikiru had so many spots! Viole loved them.' tho i would have changed it to 'Viole loved every single one of them.' hai im totally sappy but i cant help it - not when those two are involved! for those of you interested you can find her writing her on mediaminer go hav a look see though pre-warning... yaoi is a big part of the majority of her work.

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