
Yet again, my RPG character from the great Conquer, Rowena. Er, she doesn’t have a last name. ^^; She’s an enthusiast archer and a cunning thief – LOOTER!! – but all the riches she ever gains are quickly spent on arrows, special bows, stuff like that (she really loves archery as an art). She has sharp eyes, excellent aim and great archery skills, but that’s pretty much all there is to her. She can use a dagger to save her life, but only then, and she’d probably lose in the end anyway. She’s often scammed – being known to her fellow thieves as “The world’s greatest sucker” (think Tsunade from Naruto) – and that leads to constant lack of money, which leads to her “embark on great quests” moods! As for the pic itself… I HATE MY SCANNER!! Look at that ugly line there… If only I could use Photoshop or something… >.>

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