Sexy when wet

Heres my babe Emanuel… ^^ hes my character for the fic ive been collabing with a friend of mine. I started writing Emanuel’s character/part while my friend wrote Kahn’s(another character you will see in the future). Its a semi escaflowne fic. Kahn being Guimel’s son but really its an original fic since the only reference is Guimel and Zaibach Anyway these two come across each other and its all based on Kahn’s wishes to please his stepfather, Terris and yet stay true to his feelings for Emmy ^^ so sweet. LOL its over 80 pages now and the boys have only just started to cement their relationship. so yes.. its yaoi hes my main and fav character, though his brother Louis does hold a close second! I just keep finding myself doodling him in my spare time and this pic came about when i wanted to do some avatars for my livejournal and thought it was better if i designed them myself rather than having series pics etc instead. so yup… just me having fun and getting used to Open canvas. think im finally getting used to it though i doubt ill ever truly master it and do some of the stunning stuff ive seen some do alas i is but an average artist. still i can still have my fun ne.


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