Tarekatt of the CoastDwellers

I think my muse has come back to me,and he’s now obsessed with Sea creatures.I’ve been drawing lots of merfolk lately.No , not the Ariel kind,I despise the Ariel kind. Merfolk aren’t supposed to be cute and sugary with perfect hair and shell bras.Or so I think.In my mind they’re impish and quite tricksy creatures.They’re wild and carefree,but also beautiful in a sensual sorta way.Like the Sea. Actually,I’ve started writing stories of the merfolk, and have created different tribes. There are many kinds of merfolk.You’ve got the ones I guess Ariel ( ick ) would belong to,the Seafolk .They look nothing like Ariel though,most of them are hairless with fishtails and scales and have fins and gills spread out over most of their bodies and spend most of their time under the Sea. Then you have the Coast Dwellers,who keep to the shore,and spend a lot of time sunbathing on cliffs or diving into the water.They’ve got a fishtail too,but look much more human than the Seafolk.They’ve got strong arms to drag themselves up on the cliffs,and coarse,spiky hair in a variety of colors.


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