Tera Revamp 3

ay for yet another redesign of Tera! I personally like this one best; she looks badass, lol. To me at least. I like details to much XD Can yah tell? And Ter’s not a twig anymore! o.o The girls got HIPS now! Still doesn’t have any boobs but oh well, thats how I designed her to be. Lol. I know that there are a couple of problems with this, but I still like it enough to not want to go back and redo everything like I would have to. Known problems: Lines on legs/belt ‘banners’ look off in some places. I tried to fix this but it only looked worse. Leg wraps should not look the same on back as they do in front. Purple on front of boots should be slightly visible in back view. I’ll have to pay extra attention next time I draw her ^^; Oh well. I still really like how this came out.

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