
Ok this is my first posted fanart picture, though it is an original so its not much of a “fan” art. Well this here is a girl that just popped into my head when i was in history class. She is going through a painful transformation from human to ..something …. I want to say faerie but it just doesnt seem to fit, thus she is in the winged being section. the 13 on her thigh signifies that she is the thirteenth person to undergo this change. how she brought upon such a painful act is unknown, even to her. But she has wanted wings so badly she got them tattooed on her back (the little fluff looking thing by shoulder) Also, the X’s on her side is just a way to make her thiner so the wing could support her weight. Leaves can only hold up so much. Those are like a built in corset. And she also has a ring of raw power surrounding her as she kneels. it isn’t much but it is powerful and being infused into her to complete the transformation. Then the spikes in her arms are there so she can better defend herself if the time calls for it as well as to intimidate unwanted guests or some punk. Thus you have “Transformation”

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