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Title: Between the Sheets [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam Wing ] By: spoony
Uploaded On: Apr 8 0:52:32 2004
Charcters: Duo Maxwell, Heero
Description: A naughty little fanart of Heero and Duo. Not really my pairing but I just couldn't resist ^_~ Who says 1xR fans cant be open minded? Drawn about a year ago. Sketched on paper outlines with Rapidographs and colored in Photoshop. Feedback would be greatly a read more
Image Properties: 618x400 59.65 kb
View (13) Visitor Reviews

"Between the Sheets" Reviews/Comments [ 13 ]
Title: Yay for Openminded 1xR Fans 
Reviewed By: Slasher And Proud  On: July 21, 2006 03:07
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Drawing Skill: 10 of 10
Use of Medium: 8 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I love slash, but I do read Het on occation. You made my night with this pic, it makes me sad that the GW fandom is split between 1xR and 1x2. I'm glad 1xR fans can be open-minded. I'm going to go read some 1xR, then some slash.
Reviewed By: Haz Mat [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 07, 2005 18:17
Hooray for open-mindedness! I like the techinique used on the skin, nice and soft. And I just want to run my hands through Duo's hair
Title: anonymous young man 
Reviewed By: Eternalflames [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 13, 2004 08:17
Firstly GET A LIFE! Some people like this kinda stuff (aka me, I luv heero and duo togather it is sooo sweet) so back down. And what exactly is wrong with being gay? I have several very good mates who are gay so if you are going to waste this review space being a bigot do it somewhere else. I happen to think the picture is very nice, I think the shading on the sheet is excellent and it's exactly that, that I often get wrong good work! ignore all the stupid flamers, seriously dudes get a life! Like XP-DarkAngel he wouldn't know good art if bit him in the ass!
Reviewed By: anubiset [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 25, 2004 12:54
Reviewed By: Kawaii Jade  On: October 24, 2004 14:10
Wow this is wow it made me feel good if u know what I mean. *smiles slyly* Keep up the good work...
Reviewed By: Rithu  On: October 06, 2004 02:57
Originality/Creativity: 7 of 10
Drawing Skill: 9 of 10
Use of Medium: 9 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
This is the pairing I love.You are an awesome person because you draw 1x2 as well as 1xR. The picture is awesome.Duo's hair is done excellently.I think I've seen this picture somewhere.Maybe not.Anyway, great pic.
Title: Gaylord Alert! 
Reviewed By: Zakoryu [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 10, 2004 17:50
I agree with anonymous young man. You are fucking gay. Why the hell are you making gay fanart pictures? For the people who liked your art, I think there gay along with you. SO STOP DRAWING GAY PORNO BIATCH! I'm 12, so fuck you.
Title: Yay! 
Reviewed By: Lisii  On: June 16, 2004 03:03
^^ I must say, I'm amazed that you drew 1x2, since you are a 1xR fan. That means you rock. Because of you, I feel the need to go look at some 1xR stuff. Not that I'd give up 1x2x1, but just to broaden my horizons. (Sorry if what I'm saying makes no sense--it's 3:04 am right now. o-O ) Anywho, ignore the flamer. He sucks. But this picture is really good. The shading and coloring is amazing, not to mention the anatomy. ^^ You totally rock! I hope that you put up some more work soon, be it 1xR, 1x2, or any pairing. =D! Bye!
Reviewed By: SonKikyo [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 14, 2004 12:58
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Ignore all flames for reading them isn't worth your precious time. This is by far my favorite GW pairing and I totally commend your open mind. 1xR fans have every right to be experimental. And as for your first flamer, I'm a girl who's a fan of f/f pairings and I'm not gay. Grow up kid, or go back to first grade where your manners should've been taught to ya. Some people -_- Nice piece BTW :D Again, love the coloring ^_^
Title: Pretty! 
Reviewed By: Lena Lin  On: May 30, 2004 00:55
Originality/Creativity: 8 of 10
Drawing Skill: 8 of 10
Use of Medium: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Before I say anything about the ratings I gave, I would first like to say I admire you. You are a 1xR fan and yet you still drew 1x2 (2x1?) in that way. I a 1x2x1 fan myself probably wouldn't dare to think about drawing 1xR, but now, maybe for people like you and just maybe just for you I could draw a 1xR picture. I are a very talented person, a kindness as vast as your talent, and your open-mindedness has touched my heart. I hope this "anonymous young man" (more like "anonymous moronic bigot") someday falls in love with another man and realize his huge mistake and bigotry. He wasn't even man enough to let himself be known! He had to remain anonymous! If you're going to insult someone, do it face to face instead of hiding so you don't get insulted back! Ugh! Kay... I'll stop ranting now... Anyway, on to the picture itself! ^_^;;;; *is ashamed* I gave only an 8 in originality because truthfully I've seen this pose many times (mostly in doujinshi *blush*) and gave another 8 for drawing style because I believe Heero could have looked... better for a lack of better words. His face looks much too small for his thick (I hate using this word for body parts but I simply can't think of a better one) neck or the other way around; whichever way you see fit. But the way you colored... oh... my... goodness! I am breathless! Duo's hair looks so lush, so soft, so lovely! I do hope you don't take that stupid... thing's... words to heart, keep your blessed open mindedness and keep drawing. To praise you for your courage and art, I will also leave a review for your 1xR! I hope you remain the beautiful person and artist you are always!
Reviewed By: Maridah [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 11, 2004 03:32
If that guy knew you, he would know you are not a loser or a hentai, and that you are actually a 1xR fan, but he doesn't know all of that because he's 'anonymous' to us all. You know this picture weirds me out as much as it does him, but I'm so sorry to read that review. You are a great person! He shouldn't have attacked you like that, but I must try to understand his actions. To this guy: let it be known that yes, 1x2 is creepy to many people, and you have every right not to like it (niether do I) but don't attack Spoony like that. She is a good person and a good artist who doesn't live to make yaoi pictures. She makes money, has a life, and these pictures don't reflect negatively on her as a person AT ALL. On a lighter note, this picture still makes me queasy (due to the content,not the art) because you know I am 1xR all the way...but you know I think your work is superior to so many other 1x2 pieces. If it were Relena on top of her I'd be singing your praises ^_____^ That is why you should do some 1xR :P 1xR? Please? *hugs* I know you have it in you!!! And I really hope his comment didn't make you sad. It is totally unsupported. We know you are the best :D
Title: XP-DarkAngel 
Reviewed By: XP-DarkAngel [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 28, 2004 14:06
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Drawing Skill: 10 of 10
Use of Medium: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
"anonymous young man" wouldnt know art if it came and bit him in the ass! What a fag if he doesnt like it then he doesnt have to comment! COME ON! Grow up! anyways i had to comment since you have wonderful art but Wu Wu and Duo are better lol but i couldnt let his comment go either! ARG! people like that should be shot! Heero would you? Heero: Mission Accepted MUAHAHAHAHAHA! We all know that bastard is dead now that Hee-chan is on the case! anywho awesome job and ill just go and look at the rest of you art! and i have some Gundam Wing CYOA's so if you're interested lol
Title: nasty nasty put some clothes on 
Reviewed By: anonymous young man  On: April 24, 2004 08:17
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Drawing Skill: 6 of 10
Use of Medium: 6 of 10
Overall Rating: 7 of 10
you're a perverted hentai who needs a life besides making yaoi pictures. if you're a guy, gggaaaayyyyy! if a girl, loser! hentai! nasty! and every nasty word i can think of!

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