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Title: Death to Mary Sue [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: Green Bird
Uploaded On: May 2 17:07:22 2004
Charcters: Hiei, Kurama
Description: I hate Mary Sues. Really. Hate them. Not thier authors... just them in general. But... I do want to stab some of you for what you do to Kura and Hiei. Those two belong to each other... not some damn pansy-ass, profile fitting, dime-a-dozen MS. Heh.. read more
Image Properties: 500x651 255.22 kb
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"Death to Mary Sue" Reviews/Comments [ 43 ]
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Reviewed By: Oreana Date [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 05, 2004 21:09
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Use of Medium: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
0.0 .....you are my hero! hieiXkurama is the best! *kills the mary sues* >.>
Title: oops 
Reviewed By: Natatsu  On: September 04, 2004 12:33
I just want to apologize for my horrible spelling in my first review. >< I was reading it over and realized how many errors there were! Excuse me for desecrating your page! GOMEN NASAI!! I was way too hasty! Plus, are you THE Green Bird? The author? Because if you are I guess you probably already know about Love Conquers Sue. If you ARE the author (!!) I'm so glad to meet you!! Let's shake! (Virtually, of course!) My pen name is Natatsu and I hope to be joining the FF.net family with my own fic soon! ^^ And I still LOVE your comic!!
Title: Absolutely! 
Reviewed By: Natatsu  On: September 04, 2004 12:22
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Drawing Skill: 8 of 10
Use of Medium: 9 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
^____________________________________^ That pretty much describes it! I absolutely agree! Mary Sues are so overrated! No one is that intensely, annoyingly, horribly, unbearbly (the list goes on and on O_o) perfect. Which is why they're so annoying. And don't get me started on the fics!! (Yeah, once I start, I just can't stop.) They're really stupid and, sadly, are usually only written by people who are at such a loss for a fic idea that they resort to such deplorable standerds. (Wow! big batch of SAT words there! ^^ Not really.) And if you're truly a yaoi fangirl (Thumbs up, fellow bishi lover!)and you really do love the H/K pairing (two thumbs up, fellow HK lover! [*sigh* I need more thumbs])there is a fic you MUST read. (It's quite famous, you may have already read it.) That is: Love Conquers Sue, by RandomAuthorPerson. It's hilarious, touching, so cute that it's criminal, and Mary Sue DIES!! You can find it at Fanfiction.net. If you haven't already read this, read it! Keep 'em coming! -^_^- (Okay, I've finally finished.)
Title: YEAH!!! 
Reviewed By: Pyro Star [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 01, 2004 19:28
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I love it!!! it's awesome! i too believe that Hiei and Kurama belong to each other. i love them too, but they truely belong to each other. DEATH TO THE MARY SUE!!!!!
Title: Ima Pyro 
Reviewed By: Pyro Star [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 01, 2004 19:27
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I love it!!! it's awesome! i too believe that Hiei and Kurama belong to each other. i love them too, but they truely belong to each other. DEATH TO THE MARY SUE!!!!!
Title: suzuka_13 
Reviewed By: suzuka_13 [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 22, 2004 11:14
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Wow, I totally love this comic-thing! I've been a kurama/hiei fan since the first time I saw Yu yu hakusho. Plus, I totally believe that love is strong enough to transcend the boundaries of gender, so I like yaoi as much as I like het and yuri. Where'd you learn to draw wings like that, by the way? They look awesome! As far as I can see, the violence in this picture is comparable to the amount of violence in a bugs bunny cartoon. Hence, it's only meant in a humorous manner, and I CAN'T understand why some of your reviewers are making such a big deal about it. Oh, what did you color this pic with? It looks really cool. Keep up the great work!
Reviewed By: Yuki_Angel [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 13, 2004 23:32
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Drawing Skill: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
I like the picture because of the humor, dislike it because of the pairing because I strongely dislike the HieixKurama pairing(being a Hiei fan girl might have something to do with that ^^' though I seem to have one problem with a Yusuke Kuwabara pairing even though I like Yusuke and know he has Keiko...wierd O.o), but I also strongly dislike MS's more. Love the art, stylr, and evry thing else about the picture. And I asure you I don't hate all Yaoi because, as I stated before, I don't seem to have a problem with YusukexKuwabara, even though I know that Kuwa has Yukina and Yusuke has Keiko, seems alittle wierd, because Hiei and Kurama don't have anyone and I dislike that pairing don't ya think ^^' .
Reviewed By: KitsuneSilver [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 15, 2004 15:34
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Drawing Skill: 9 of 10
WAI! ^ ^ This is describes my feelings exactly. Kill the Mary-Sue! Yaoi forever!
Reviewed By: Arctic_Fox999 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 11, 2004 21:23
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Drawing Skill: 9 of 10
Use of Medium: 9 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
YEAH!!! Yaoi RULES!!!! KILL THE MARY-SUE!!! W00T!!! ^_^ I liked it! The artwork is relatively good, and it's really funny! ^-^
Reviewed By: 0455096  On: July 02, 2004 15:25
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Drawing Skill: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Hilarious! I really like it!
Reviewed By: Dark_flames  On: June 30, 2004 20:30
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Drawing Skill: 7 of 10
Overall Rating: 7 of 10
Okay I agree on one thing I HATE MARY-SUES TOO alhtough I hate yaoi more considering that it is unethical and not to metion wrong no offense just my opion gooooood drawing very funny
Reviewed By: Shinde Kitsune [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 11, 2004 22:13
Heh, I'm not a big fan of Mary-Sues or Yaoi, but I found this picture pretty funny, lol
Reviewed By: iplaywithfire [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 07, 2004 18:58
I loved it. Its very creative. viva la yaoi! that was halarious I fell out of my chair laughing so hard. ^_^ ROCK ON!
Title: omg 
Reviewed By: ???  On: May 28, 2004 09:13
Originality/Creativity: 8 of 10
Drawing Skill: 9 of 10
Use of Medium: 8 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
i was in tears laughing it's hilirious
Reviewed By: Kasumi Rose  On: May 26, 2004 23:49
First off I really don't agree with you. I'm the world's biggest romantic and I prefer seeing Kurama with a girl over Kurama with Hiei anyday. You are entitled to your opinions too. I guess the picture is interesting though, you obviously put emotion into it. So I guess it's okay for what it is.
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