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Title: Hiei and Cessna [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: Jincy le Fou
Uploaded On: Oct 5 20:24:24 2002
Charcters: Hiei
Description: Hiei with my fangirl, CessnaBW! *16 May 2004* Oooh. Negative commentary. Thanks, I was kind of cold. *Fou
Image Properties: 472x545 59.25 kb
View (16) Visitor Reviews

"Hiei and Cessna" Reviews/Comments [ 16 ]
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Reviewed By: hiku  On: December 25, 2004 14:17
hieixkurama and kuramaxhiei 4ever!!!!!!
Reviewed By: Dark Angel Of Love [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 18, 2004 00:28
Originality/Creativity: 8 of 10
Drawing Skill: 8 of 10
Overall Rating: 8 of 10
boy your just getting bet up for this pic arn't ya? but I think it's sweet. I my self don't like yaoi,so I made up OC's of my own to put with hiei and kurama,but I can't draw to save my life so noone's ever going to see them ^_^ and I have't seen the ending of the YYH series so I don't know who he ends up with.I've only seen the one's on cartoon network ^_^;; but don't let STUPID PEOPLE who have nothing better to do then hurt other people's feelings get to you,it'll just eat you up inside,I should know,I got to REALLY nasty reviews for one of my fanfics,but like I said don't let then get to ya! and keep doing what you want to do and if people don't like it,tell them to go f**k them selfs! I know,I have a baaaaad mouth,but damn proud of it! ^_^ keep your hopes high and never let them drag you down! much love Dark Angel Of Love
Title: So-so 
Reviewed By: KurohiTatsaki [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 14, 2004 16:38
Originality/Creativity: 4 of 10
Drawing Skill: 6 of 10
Use of Medium: 4 of 10
Overall Rating: 3 of 10
Cessna looks like a Sailor Moon character. Hiei has no mouth, but his bangs look fine. Hiei doesn't look like he has very good eyelashes (I'm a Hiei/Kurama fan at heart, and I like them looking gorgeous ^^;;.) Their heads are a bit on the large side.... Cessna's ear looks interesting.... Who's hugging who..? But, yeah, Cessna could use a bit more work. I'd revise how she looks a bit. If you want to keep that moon marking, maybe you could place it somewhere else on her body? (Maybe her arm...?) Also, Hiei's face could use some more shading - he's not THAT pale! ^o^ Ha ha... ((No, Host is not laughing at you. Oh, by the way, I'm Kurohi. Heh. ^^ Normally, Hiei's third eye is more feline in appearance, and has a slit down the center as the pupil. The concept of your work is fine, but try to make Cessna more original, like me! ^^)) -KT & Kurohi
Reviewed By: SSj Magus  On: November 14, 2004 02:22
"this is disgusting. Hiei has a lover. His name is Kurama." Idiot. Yaoi fanfics don't count.
Title: Cute! 
Reviewed By: Tori the Hanyou [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 12, 2004 15:47
Yeah, what she (below) said. You don't have to listen to pathetic n00bs who have nothing better to do with their lives than put down other people's work just because it interferes with their own fantasies. I myself have disliked yaoi for a long time (sadly, I'm starting to become a fan, no thanks to my Yaoi-obsessed fan who brings me Hiei/Kurama pics and puts them in my locker just to piss me off) but that does NOT mean I go and flame every single Yaoi pic I find! I just DON'T FRICKIN LOOK AT IT! If you people are SO upset by this, then don't even look! ^^ Good job, girl. I like the shading, and Hiei looks really sweet.
Title: >_< Rant time 
Reviewed By: Neerp [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 06, 2004 10:34
Okay now PEOPLE HERE NEED TO GROW UP! Everyone has different tasts, I myself like KuramaxHiei parings, but still! You don't slam someones art cuz the express themselfs! Get a damn life! No everyone likes the same things! I thought the pic was cute! No one has ever slamed my fanfics cuz they make no sense, or I talk about my muse/voice in my head Rem! ALSO no one ever said a thing about how I have a three way yaoi paeing! IN FACT most people who don't like yaoi don't comment to us, so why go around insulting people who have different tasts!!! FUCKING GET A GAWD DAMED LIFE PEOPLE! Rem: Calm down!*To the artist* Nice pic hun! Don't let assholes ruin your art! Keep working at it! Again, I don't belive Hiei should be with an oc, but that's your art, and you did a nice job....~NeerP~
Title: *le bow* 
Reviewed By: Jincy le Fou [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 01, 2004 20:50
Drawing Skill: 4 of 10
Use of Medium: 7 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
Well, forgive me for posting something 2 years ago. Sheesh. Either you get a life and understand what a hobby is and not get your panties in a wad about things that don't matter or you don't come here tryin' to tell me or anyone else who isn't just going, "Dis sux0rz! Booooo! HIEIXKURAMA 4evr!" what we're doing wrong. Thanks. It's not like the picture's coming down anyhow; you choose to look at it so, blah. Constructive criticsm never hurt. Crikey. *Fou
Reviewed By: FluffyChick (justafluffychick@yahoo.com)  On: July 01, 2004 01:33
Okay, now on the actual image. I tend to have an inclination to dislike original characters, but I also try to keep an open mind. However, Mary Sues such as this one tend to irritate me. Your creativity was quite miniscule. Why? Because the character seems to be grafted from other already existing characters. For example, the buns and moon symbol are identical to Sailormoon's, this is just regurgitation. Yes, the twin bun style (it appears to be twin buns) is common, but because it's paired with the moon symbol on her forehead, there is no doubt it was copied from Sailormoon. If you want to make an original character, fine, but don't copy pre-existing ones and add on a few minor changes. If you must make an original female character, spend _time_ on her, and give her her own identity. On a side note, I don't think people were reacting the way they did because they were ignorant, or because they were close minded, I believe they acted the way they did because the character put in Kurama's place was a flat cardboard shadow of characters that already exist. Mary Sues are the most cliché of the clichés, that's what grates on people's nerves, not the fact that its a pairing that they don't agree with. If you wish to accuse people of something, please use valid arguments. It also appeared as if you added the last bit on out of spite. If you lover her pic, tell her why. I also find it hard to believe fans of YYH would not know Mukuro's gender.
Reviewed By: FluffyChick  On: July 01, 2004 01:23
Originality/Creativity: 2 of 10
Drawing Skill: 3 of 10
Use of Medium: 3 of 10
Overall Rating: 3 of 10
Now, the first part of this review goes to the author of the reply below mine. Now, you claim that Hiei and Mukuro "hook up" at the end of the series, however, to my knowledge the last words exchanged between the two of them are: (begin scene) Muruko: How did it go? Hiei: Not bad. Muruko: If you want to go back to the human world, you can go now. Hiei: It's my personal business. (end scene) Whoever subtitled it didn't appear to be very fluent in English, so forgive me if it's not right on the dot, but I'm quite sure that the main point was made. From the above quote, there is no evidence whatsoever for Hiei and Mukuro "hooking up". None what so ever. It is a simple conversation, plug anyone in for Mukuro and it still would make sense. There is no underlying hint of romantic inclinations. Furthermore, I gently reprimand the author of the post below mine for lack of evidence, and a generally immature attitude. If one is trying to get a point across, acting as such usually makes the other side annoyed, and one will tend to get ignored. Yes, the people who flamed her were not acting very maturely, but turning around and doing nearly the same thing does nothing positive. I'd touch more on the topic of the Mary Sue, but I'm running out of characters. Because of this, I'll continue this, post in another reply. Also, ironically, it would appear that Kurama/Hiei does indeed have evidence, however, if one counts pictures produced for the series as such.
Title: Stupid n00bs 
Reviewed By: Yumiko Yoshihana [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 07, 2004 07:49
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
*rolls eyes* common people! Not all ppl Like HieixKurama!!!! Like me!!! You don't like it? Leave!!!! Get over yourselves!!!!! Geez. Besides, at the end of the YYH series, Hiei is paired with Mukuro!!! (In case you didn't know, Mukuro is a GIRL!) God, I have ignorant, closed minded ppl. (BTW, I love the pic)
Reviewed By: Hiei Fangirl  On: June 01, 2004 19:26
I may have my own characters to put with Hiei and Kurama, but I am still a HUGE fan of Hiei+Kurama! You give other OC's a bad name!
Reviewed By: Annoymous hater of mary sues  On: May 15, 2004 21:57
Title: OCs 
Reviewed By: Hineko Kurama-Urameshi  On: February 15, 2004 16:25
this is disgusting. Hiei has a lover. His name is Kurama. Sorry, it's really too bad for you that my trainer, (hiei) loves Yoko, no 'Cessna' get your head out of your ass and check the facts. now maybe you can use your talent for HieixKurama pics instead of OCxHiei/Kurama. Your a great artist but, unfortunatly, you use your talent for good instead of evil. Evil is better. Ja ne. P.S. did you know 'cessna'is the name of a plane?
Title: stupid OC is not with Hiei 
Reviewed By: Musashi Naki  On: February 15, 2004 16:25
Originality/Creativity: 4 of 10
Drawing Skill: 2 of 10
Use of Medium: 1 of 10
Overall Rating: 2 of 10
you just don't get it do you? Hiei has a lover! *points at Kurama* some ugly fangirl like that would never snag Hiei's attention.... Hiei hates girls like Cessna anyway... Hiei+Kurama and Kurama+Hiei 4 ever
Title: stupid OC is not with Hiei 
Reviewed By: Musashi Naki  On: February 15, 2004 16:23

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