Title: Ash and May, Sleeping Sketch 1 [ Anime/Manga :: Pokemon ] By: mikominichu13 Uploaded On: Jul 7 11:26:50 2005 Charcters: Ash Description: As you can see I love drawing characters fromm Pokemon, and I think these two make a good couple, This is a sketch I did during Christmas time and I'll add colour later^_^ Image Properties: 500x500 17.86 kb
Title: Festival! 1 [ Anime/Manga :: Pokemon ] By: mikominichu13 Uploaded On: Jul 7 11:20:31 2005 Charcters: Ash Description: Here's a very kawaii{cute} pic I found and redrew a while back, so this version is sorta mine, sorta the other persons! Oh well hope you enjoy^_^ Image Properties: 295x371 35.91 kb View (1) Visitor Reviews