 | Title: Tails (Colored) [ Computer/Video Game :: Sonic Series ] By: Ayame_ichiharu  Uploaded On: Jun 4 6:45:38 2010 Charcters: Tails Description: Its the Same tails From Before just colored in Photoshop Image Properties: 402x406 54.75 kb
 | Title: Tails [ Computer/Video Game :: Sonic Series ] By: Ayame_ichiharu  Uploaded On: Jun 2 5:22:22 2010 Charcters: Tails Description: I drew this pic for my best friend and drew it again with a background for my other friends b-day I think it came out pretty good Tails Image Properties: 402x406 20.48 kb
 | Title: Ayame Ichiharu [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: Ayame_ichiharu  Uploaded On: May 17 4:58:00 2010 Description: My own character created of my fan fics Image Properties: 208x415 12.24 kb
 | Title: Sasuke [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: Ayame_ichiharu  Uploaded On: May 15 6:48:57 2010 Charcters: Sasuke Uchiha Description: my first drawing of Sasuke i did in Shop Image Properties: 720x992 69.69 kb