 | Title: Marry X-MAS [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Original ] By: Pagasis II  Uploaded On: Dec 22 8:02:13 2004 Description: I am actually submitting this for a contest on here. It was a pic I did for all my friends. I think the guys like it more... ^^' haha... Yeah... Image Properties: 494x759 82.25 kb
 | Title: All of us [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Original ] By: Pagasis II  Uploaded On: Jul 27 11:52:37 2004 Description: Whew... I had to delete one of the other pics in my gallery to fit this. Yes, it's all of us. Okay, we're starting from the bottom left to the top right. Umie, Zera, Tsuniker, Sheirow holding onto Mupo, (top left) Dracos, Pagasis, Terrin (looking rather bu read more Image Properties: 450x500 65.05 kb View (1) Visitor Reviews |
 | Title: Sheirow [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Original ] By: Pagasis II  Uploaded On: Jul 13 11:56:24 2004 Description: Doesn't he look intellegant? (name pronounced She-row) Anyway, he's a griffon. Karla (Mupo) created him to be Mupo's husband. It's a long story. He's pretty cool though. Copyright (c) Esthenia Artwork by Esthenia and used by permission Image Properties: 600x843 67.73 kb
 | Title: Umie [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Original ] By: Pagasis II  Uploaded On: Jul 13 11:49:50 2004 Description: This peice of work is another high school friend of ours. She's a cat dragon, and loves to beat the crap out of people. Copyright (c) Esthenia Artwork by Esthenia and used by permission Image Properties: 582x826 92.51 kb
 | Title: Terrin [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Original ] By: Pagasis II  Uploaded On: Jul 13 11:48:00 2004 Description: He is a very close friend of Esthenia and myself in highschool. He's also a sphinx (though more greek than Egyptian). He always wears that trench coat. Copyright (c) Esthenia Artwork by Esthenia and used by permission Image Properties: 552x804 41.11 kb
 | Title: Mupo [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Original ] By: Pagasis II  Uploaded On: Jul 13 11:46:54 2004 Description: This would be a good friend of Esthenia's. She's a dragonwolf in case you were wondering. (yes, a lot of the characters are half dragon) Copyright (c) Esthenia Artwork by Esthenia and used by permission Image Properties: 562x816 65.09 kb
 | Title: Dracos [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Original ] By: Pagasis II  Uploaded On: Jul 13 11:45:41 2004 Description: This is a good friend of mine. (He's a dragon.) Normally we start name calling wars. It's kind of funny. Copyright (c) Esthenia Artwork by Esthenia and used by permission Image Properties: 1572x2327 190 kb View (2) Visitor Reviews |
 | Title: Esthenia [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Original ] By: Pagasis II  Uploaded On: Jul 13 11:44:38 2004 Description: This would be Estheina. She's a sphinx if you get confused. Her bio will also be on the bio page. Copyright (c) Esthenia Artwork by Esthenia and used by permission Image Properties: 546x818 88.17 kb
 | Title: Pagasis [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Original ] By: Pagasis II  Uploaded On: Jul 13 11:42:13 2004 Description: This would be my Character. (drawn by Estheina) If you want, I'll upload the character stats soon, so you can read the chraracter descriptions there. Copyright (c) Esthenia Artwork by Esthenia and used by permission Image Properties: 1674x2318 302.61 kb