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Title: Inuyasha and gang [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: FlashLightningX
Uploaded On: Feb 4 13:10:23 2007
Charcters: Inuyasha, Kagome Higurashi, Kikyou, Miroku, Myoga, Sango, Sesshomaru, Shippo
Description: Not exactly the closest replica to InuYasha and friends.. but I think it's pretty good, hope you do too!
Image Properties: 1000x773 275.18 kb
View (6) Visitor Reviews
Title: Alone [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam Wing ] By: jess_eklom
Uploaded On: Feb 4 10:21:20 2007
Charcters: Duo Maxwell
Description: just a doodle of Duo
Image Properties: 145x307 7.15 kb
Title: Tenryu glass [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: dmscheeseshirtedchorusneko
Uploaded On: Feb 3 19:13:47 2007
Description: More Tenryu-san from Shout Out Loud!
Image Properties: 1517x1101 89.86 kb
Title: Nazi filler [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: dmscheeseshirtedchorusneko
Uploaded On: Feb 3 19:08:06 2007
Description: This is a filler picture from my old sketch book. Nazi from Hellsing Volume six
Image Properties: 1064x1225 110.29 kb
Title: Smoking [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: dmscheeseshirtedchorusneko
Uploaded On: Feb 3 19:07:02 2007
Description: Tenryu from Shout Out Loud!
Image Properties: 1200x951 66.77 kb
Title: Chii [ Anime/Manga :: Chobits ] By: Nethray
Uploaded On: Feb 3 11:36:41 2007
Charcters: Chii
Description: I drew this in art class one weekend. Fear it! T'is Chii!
Image Properties: 1191x1470 399.51 kb
Title: Cosplaying Hotaru & Usagi Girl [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Kitty13
Uploaded On: Feb 2 15:21:21 2007
Description: This is my catboy Hotaru but in cosplaying form (as in if he were human) the bunny girl doesn't have a name yet n.n;;
Image Properties: 1122x1225 464.86 kb
View (1) Visitor Reviews
Title: Quatre Dance [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam Wing ] By: jess_eklom
Uploaded On: Feb 2 11:20:44 2007
Charcters: Quatre
Description: Done for Keara's "Aquenscent Concubine"
Image Properties: 394x380 39.02 kb
Title: TPlushie [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam Wing ] By: jess_eklom
Uploaded On: Feb 2 11:18:07 2007
Charcters: Trowa
Description: A Trowa Plushie
Image Properties: 108x144 22.09 kb
Title: QPlushie [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam Wing ] By: jess_eklom
Uploaded On: Feb 2 11:17:07 2007
Charcters: Quatre
Description: A Quatre Plushie
Image Properties: 152x164 27.99 kb
Title: Kiss [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: ChibiMethos
Uploaded On: Feb 1 13:48:08 2007
Charcters: Kagome Higurashi, Sesshomaru
Description: My Favorite Alt. Pairing couple, Kagome and Sesshomaru in a quite moment at home.
Image Properties: 649x514 227.49 kb
View (1) Visitor Reviews
Title: Slave [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: guyan0/katie-chan
Uploaded On: Feb 1 7:01:52 2007
Charcters: Vegeta
Description: This image was inspired by the very popular Slave fanfic by Vegeta Goddess. Which I love and check for a new chapter everyday. Please review if you like it.
Image Properties: 1583x2753 400.51 kb
View (1) Visitor Reviews
Title: KaNkUrO [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: dmscheeseshirtedchorusneko
Uploaded On: Jan 31 13:45:49 2007
Description: This is my second time drawing Kankuro. I lurf him XD Fun to draw.
Image Properties: 607x702 79.7 kb
Title: Tenryu-sanxShino-san [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: dmscheeseshirtedchorusneko
Uploaded On: Jan 31 13:42:49 2007
Description: Yay! This is my second picture submission... and it is of Tenryu and Shino from a graphic novel series called "Shout Out Loud!" Yesh, tis yaoi, cush I be a yaoi fangirl XD
Image Properties: 702x542 91.27 kb
Title: Feudal Prom (Redone!) [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: inuyashalover1221
Uploaded On: Jan 31 8:37:51 2007
Charcters: Kagome Higurashi
Description: I've already put this on,but I redid it on the cp and realized it looks much better.
Image Properties: 709x709 33.5 kb
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