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Title: Sword sheathing...... [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: muzic_madnezz
Uploaded On: Feb 6 7:27:13 2006
Description: Kenshin seems to have encountered an opponent~
Image Properties: 1240x1753 310.37 kb
Title: Kitty Yugi [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Phyco Monkey
Uploaded On: Feb 6 7:24:16 2006
Charcters: Yuugi Mutou
Description: Okay Son Cara, this is your Kitty Yugi pic all colored! It was my first time trying to use the photo print shop thing so I don't think it came out that well... but hey I tried.
Image Properties: 752x768 93.42 kb
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Title: A softer side of a killer... [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: muzic_madnezz
Uploaded On: Feb 6 7:16:28 2006
Description: Font Color Lets look at a softer side of Kenshin, the originally cold-blooded killer samurai....~~~I admit this is my first drawing of Kenshin...`^^
Image Properties: 1220x1754 140.33 kb
Title: Kiss [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: chibirin8
Uploaded On: Feb 4 23:00:07 2006
Charcters: Sesshomaru
Description: This is a pic I have done of sephiroth and sesshomaru kissing. ever since I read a sessXsephy fanfic they have been my fav paring SessXinu coming in close second. I would think to here what you think of it I just love comments good or bad.
Image Properties: 575x575 180.08 kb
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Title: Silvana Walking [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: haiku_amarante
Uploaded On: Feb 4 20:53:35 2006
Charcters: Original Character
Description: Another picture of Silvana. I like this one much better though, and the colors are all right.
Image Properties: 400x527 127.12 kb
Title: Inuyasha and Kagome [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: RamEN AdDicT92
Uploaded On: Feb 4 14:16:47 2006
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: Okay i colored one of the pics i had on here before (but got taken off cuz that's the way life goes...). It took me about 5 hours 20 minutes so I hope you like it. And also...(in case you're wondering why it took so long) it was really hard and it took so read more
Image Properties: 384x512 35.97 kb
Title: Sesshomaru [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: RamEN AdDicT92
Uploaded On: Feb 4 14:15:31 2006
Description: Hey people! This is a picture i drew of Sesshomaru a while back...i colored it using colored pencil and then put it on with my scanner that i just recently got! this is my first pic using my scanner so from now on any pics i put on here will be clear...not read more
Image Properties: 455x584 44.31 kb
Title: Reminisce [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Spirit-Wolf25
Uploaded On: Feb 4 10:25:33 2006
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: The original...the one I did before Sesshoumaru. I think I like this one the best of the two, maybe because it was the first one I did. Inuyasha was also done in Paint...Enjoy!
Image Properties: 445x610 86.64 kb
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Title: Eve Campbell (My OC) [ Anime/Manga :: Fullmetal Alchemist ] By: MAIDEN OF TIME AND SPACE
Uploaded On: Feb 3 17:29:14 2006
Description: This is the best I can do on Microsoft Paint *sweatdrops* Anyways, this is one of the main characters in my story: "FMA Past". She is Eve Campbell. Her left arm, if you're wondering, is automail...very badly drawn automail ^^U Hope you enjoy!
Image Properties: 300x300 2.81 kb
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Title: Christmas [ Anime/Manga :: Gravitation ] By: KandyKitty
Uploaded On: Feb 3 14:39:58 2006
Charcters: Shuichi Shindou, Yuki Eiri
Description: This is an old pic i did and i liked the coloring....so yeaaaa..... >.>
Image Properties: 520x782 122.97 kb
Title: Duo in Pencil [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam Wing ] By: Dark Shinigami
Uploaded On: Feb 3 13:22:44 2006
Charcters: Duo Maxwell
Description: Nope have'nt forgotten how to do pencil art yet!. Did this one a few days ago and gave it to a close friend as a nice little gift. This was done in Lumagraph pencils, blended with a blending stick on Classic Cream paper.
Image Properties: 423x534 45.56 kb
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Title: Siblings:Life and Death [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam Wing ] By: Dark Shinigami
Uploaded On: Feb 3 13:17:38 2006
Description: I could'nt really add this under "Duo" since it is Duo and An original Character made by my best friend Eli.A.K.A DarkwingEli. Her Character and my persona. Alia wishes to show her little brother one of her ablitys..and he would, rather sleep in her shadow read more
Image Properties: 414x536 54.86 kb
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Title: Smile DDS [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam Wing ] By: Dark Shinigami
Uploaded On: Feb 3 13:14:09 2006
Charcters: Duo Maxwell
Description: My ID for another Art site. I think I have really improved on this Computer Art stuff XD. Anway, yeah Duo Dark Shinigami (my persona) Follow the link and come and see me at my other hosting site sometime :3.
Image Properties: 396x533 59.28 kb
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Title: Girl... [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: DiamondCrypt
Uploaded On: Feb 3 11:12:28 2006
Description: So...It pretty much sucks. lol. Once again, my horribleness at making a background came through once again. So, I left it white. Not a great picture, the sketch was much better. Although I didn't post it because my scanner fails in the quality department, read more
Image Properties: 702x784 239.65 kb
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Title: Rob the Demon Blade [ Anime/Manga :: s-CRY-ed ] By: Shellbullet
Uploaded On: Feb 3 11:06:16 2006
Description: I had this done at otakon 2005 by a really cool guy named Joseph L. Silver. It is how Rob's alter in my scryed fanfic "Alter Ego" looks in it's first form. Also if anyone knows how to contact the artist PLEASE let me know.
Image Properties: 800x1147 411.29 kb
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