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Title: BB & Raven [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: mystic_writer
Uploaded On: Jan 22 7:46:31 2005
Charcters: Beast Boy, Raven
Description: Another drawing of Beast Boy and Raven, much older than in the series. Mediums: Pencil, markers, colored pencils.
Image Properties: 815x1061 165.15 kb
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Title: Sesshoumaru's smile coloured [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: marta178
Uploaded On: Jan 22 6:42:07 2005
Charcters: Sesshomaru
Description: So this is my pc coloured version of sesshoumaru's smile. Hope you like it! ps: The shadows of the breast plate are all fucked up and I forgot the eye shadow thingy he has ^^;;
Image Properties: 879x700 78.61 kb
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Title: Angels Fall First [ Anime/Manga :: Angel Sanctuary ] By: shadow_genin
Uploaded On: Jan 21 23:06:26 2005
Charcters: Katan, Rociel
Description: Worked on it madly for hours, isnpired by nightwish's song. Love Katan, he's a good character and possibly my favorite. If viewed, please be considerate and REview. Medium was Adobe 7, but first I had to sketch it^^. He's sadly contemplating the person Ros read more
Image Properties: 757x791 127.2 kb
Title: Sasuke [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: NightShadow131
Uploaded On: Jan 21 22:38:36 2005
Charcters: Sasuke
Description: Don't ya love my creative titles... ^^;; Sasuke is the best, though! ^^ ...to me at least. I don't really like how this turned out too much, but it's alright, I suppose. *shrugs* They barely give you any room here so.. I'm done.
Image Properties: 360x487 31.47 kb
Title: Seiji [ Anime/Manga :: Ronin Warriors ] By: NightShadow131
Uploaded On: Jan 21 22:35:45 2005
Charcters: Sage
Description: Seiji!! I actually drew this pic over a year ago, and finally decided to shade it in. ^^;; Too bad they took the anime off... the dub is annoying... but.. still! Sry if the image is blurry, btw. I was using a diff program than I was used to.
Image Properties: 398x321 10.32 kb
Title: Edward [ Anime/Manga :: Fullmetal Alchemist ] By: NightShadow131
Uploaded On: Jan 21 22:33:25 2005
Description: Edward Elric from FMA. This is an awesome series. It's my fav at the moment. ^^ So... naturally, I had to draw a pic of him. ^^ I don't really like how it turned out too much, though. *shrugs* The main thing that bugs me is his eyes... *sighs* Oh well...
Image Properties: 469x314 15.22 kb
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Title: Haru [ Anime/Manga :: Rave Master ] By: NightShadow131
Uploaded On: Jan 21 22:29:37 2005
Description: Hah ha! I got them to add a category for Rave Master! ^^ This series is freakin' hilarious and I love it. I just had to draw Haru. He's so awesome! ^^
Image Properties: 446x270 39.12 kb
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Title: Kouga [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: NightShadow131
Uploaded On: Jan 21 22:26:06 2005
Charcters: Kouga
Description: Another pic for a friend on Deviant Art. I don't really like Kouga personally... he just bugs me... I'm fairly happy with this pic. I actually had hands drawn, too, but they came out horribly so I cut it out when I scanned it. ^^
Image Properties: 360x483 39.22 kb
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Title: Kenshin-ness... [ Anime/Manga :: Rurouni Kenshin ] By: NightShadow131
Uploaded On: Jan 21 22:23:12 2005
Charcters: Kenshin Himura
Description: I actually drew this one before my other Kenshin.. -_- I really like his expression on this pic so had to post it here.. ^^;; I really like how this turned out, though... except for how dark I made his skin. It is cuz he's in a dark room, though. *shrugs*< read more
Image Properties: 480x404 16.73 kb
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Title: Kenshin [ Anime/Manga :: Rurouni Kenshin ] By: NightShadow131
Uploaded On: Jan 21 22:20:01 2005
Charcters: Kenshin Himura
Description: Drew this a while ago. I drew this for a friend on Deviant art. I actually liked how this one turned out.. which is really rare. I think I should draw more Kenshin. Both of the ones I have done of him turned out well.. in my opinion.. for the most part... read more
Image Properties: 450x478 26.04 kb
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Title: Dog Bone [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Myiauchishiah
Uploaded On: Jan 21 20:09:43 2005
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: Oh my God, I was up all last night doing the finishing touches on Inu-chan here! I sketched it out on paper first, scanned it, then coloured on the computer. Do you like it? I think it's c-yyyyyyyyyyyyyyute!! Well, gimme a review of what you think! Thanks!
Image Properties: 662x1000 104.41 kb
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Title: Kawaii Li [ Anime/Manga :: Card Captor Sakura ] By: tears2rain4u
Uploaded On: Jan 21 19:20:04 2005
Charcters: Li Syaoran
Description: This is just a pic that I drawn recently at school for my art assignment. We 're meant to draw something to do with our heritage (I'm Chinese, incase u haven't figure it out ^^), so I chose to do Li coz I really like his Chinese robe and it just rea read more
Image Properties: 877x638 130.8 kb
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Title: Sakura [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: Sailor Mini Venus
Uploaded On: Jan 21 16:06:35 2005
Charcters: Original Character
Description: This is a picture of Sakura from my fanfiction 'Koorime or Kitsune'. I made her look too young though, so it's Sakura when she was younger back in the Makai when she was friends with Youko. =^_^=
Image Properties: 152x174 28.82 kb
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Title: Baka Boys, Redux [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: CJ Finnegan
Uploaded On: Jan 21 1:24:36 2005
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: My first pic of InuYasha, from my fic Demon's Ascent. InuYasha and Captain Marvel exchange some not-so-nice words. :D
Image Properties: 662x776 115.66 kb
Title: Dee! [ Anime/Manga :: Fake ] By: Dragon Ladysupreme
Uploaded On: Jan 20 23:18:35 2005
Charcters: Dee Laytner
Description: Media: HB pencil, 2B pencil, 2H pencil. Reference: Volume 2, beginning pages Time taken: About 20 minutes... Maybe 30. Extra comments: :3 This is my second fanart done with traditional media ever! I'm proud of it...
Image Properties: 637x827 121.95 kb
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