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Title: Itachi Sama Sends You A Glance [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: shadow_genin
Uploaded On: Jan 14 13:06:25 2005
Charcters: Itachi
Description: Okay, now who's brave enough to hug him? lol 'Tis Itachi. The first time I saw him I KNEW I had to draw him. I put effort into this, b/c I wanted him to look at least half as handsome as Kishimoto Sama draws him. As always, I used Adobe as a medium. please read more
Image Properties: 614x750 39.09 kb
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Title: An Innocent Hug [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: shadow_genin
Uploaded On: Jan 14 12:59:24 2005
Charcters: Hyuuga Hinata, Naruto
Description: It's a fall day, and Hinata is brave enough to show Naruto some open affection....fan artists can dream, can't they? Adobe 7 was my medium for this sketch, and I was very happy with it. please be considerate and review
Image Properties: 482x606 47.83 kb
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Title: My Dreams Give Me Wings [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: shadow_genin
Uploaded On: Jan 14 12:56:01 2005
Charcters: Bakura
Description: Done in black and white manga style, my first ever pic like this. The title basically explains what's happening is this pic. It's normal Bakura, and he's actually at peace and not being controlled by the ring for once. I liked his expression myself. please read more
Image Properties: 808x508 56.24 kb
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Title: Ken Hidaka [ Anime/Manga :: Weiss Kreuz ] By: Arldetta
Uploaded On: Jan 14 7:17:00 2005
Charcters: Ken Hidaka
Description: Well, this will be my first Official Fan Art piece. This originally was a picture of Gackt from a Mag my friend bought me. I drew Gackt first then decided to try it with Ken. This is actually my second attempt which I am quite pleased with. I kinda went fo read more
Image Properties: 290x377 31.77 kb
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Title: Edo-Kun [ Anime/Manga :: Fullmetal Alchemist ] By: EvilFire4321
Uploaded On: Jan 13 20:12:42 2005
Description: Ed Elric
Image Properties: 700x1083 230.21 kb
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Title: My fisrt watercolor picture [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: Vegeta_2005
Uploaded On: Jan 13 14:56:46 2005
Charcters: Yuusuke Urameshi
Description: How is it?
Image Properties: 1650x1275 213.25 kb
Title: Chibi-Ryoga [ Anime/Manga :: Ranma 1/2 ] By: empty
Uploaded On: Jan 12 11:32:12 2005
Charcters: Ryouga Hibiki
Description: long time no-post, roit? roit. now this is a pic that just poped into my heda one night and i just had to draw it. gave ryoga a new outfit because his old clothes were just boring ^^
Image Properties: 474x750 121.62 kb
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Title: Death Glare [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Iarejedi
Uploaded On: Jan 12 10:06:35 2005
Charcters: Sesshomaru
Description: The title pretty much says it all. Tell me what yah think. :)
Image Properties: 469x600 33.82 kb
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Title: Unknown Magic [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Black_rose_4u
Uploaded On: Jan 12 9:24:52 2005
Description: hey there yey ok im proud of this i think it turned out quiet well ive been told on deviant art tht keeping her faceless was kl and gave her a mysterious look lol but i wanna know wat uz all think about her kk so plllzzz! comment and tell me the bad and th read more
Image Properties: 1200x1552 271.93 kb
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Title: Because you loved me [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: _Teana
Uploaded On: Jan 11 21:39:29 2005
Charcters: Anzu Mazaki, Yami Yugi
Description: Do you think who should be the first for say these words?Yami or Anzu?
Image Properties: 764x606 70.71 kb
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Title: Mokuba Grew Up [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Konton Hakai
Uploaded On: Jan 11 17:16:49 2005
Charcters: Mokuba Kaiba, Rebecca Hawkins
Description: Mokuba grew up and seems to have grabbed himself a girlfriend...who just happens to be Rebecca Hawkins! *^_^* I like Mokuba grown up! This is my first time trying out my Paint Shop Pro 8, so please don't laugh...I made this after I received a request. This read more
Image Properties: 427x443 29.4 kb
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Title: Kino Makoto [ Anime/Manga :: Sailor Moon ] By: Aldsvider
Uploaded On: Jan 11 12:24:56 2005
Charcters: Sailor Jupiter
Description: Sketch...
Image Properties: 687x811 288.38 kb
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Title: InuYasha [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Yami_Bakura_Itemri
Uploaded On: Jan 11 0:50:05 2005
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: Just a lil sketch of Youkai InuYasha
Image Properties: 365x442 31.35 kb
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Title: Yami and Feral Imp [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Yami_Bakura_Itemri
Uploaded On: Jan 11 0:46:31 2005
Charcters: Yami Yugi
Description: A quace` painting on A4. Umm.. this isnt by anyway copied. It's all my own work. Incase anyone thought it was too good that it was... ^^"
Image Properties: 598x873 130.93 kb
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Title: There's just something about YAMIZ [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Yami_Bakura_Itemri
Uploaded On: Jan 11 0:39:33 2005
Charcters: Bakura, Malik Ishtar, Ryou Bakura, Yami Bakura, Yami Malik, Yami Yugi
Description: Bweehehehehe... Humouse groupie pic. All just started with Bakura licking the Mil. eye... but then i thought.. heh, why not XD lets make something else of it.
Image Properties: 777x590 102.57 kb
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