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Title: Kikyo's Pain [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Alya86
Uploaded On: Jan 14 12:59:21 2004
Charcters: Inuyasha, Kagome Higurashi, Kikyou
Image Properties: 512x750 53.48 kb
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Title: Zia Cordan - GreyDagger (Ultimate) [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Corwin Sparrow
Uploaded On: Jan 14 12:56:46 2004
Description: Rather dramatic change, no? It has something to do with her dying and being brought back in another body ... the face is more or less hers, but the curves sure aren't! Anyway, she manages to adapt by joining a new clan (which is connected to the KnightsMag read more
Image Properties: 283x500 30.46 kb
Title: Keeper of the Shadows [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Piccolo's Girl
Uploaded On: Jan 14 12:45:17 2004
Description: His name is Kage and he has been lurking in my head for quite a while. He is mine for a book I am researching to write.
Image Properties: 500x674 117.8 kb
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Title: Aaran Yyone - Anime Style [ Anime/Manga :: Sailor Moon ] By: Corwin Sparrow
Uploaded On: Jan 14 12:41:53 2004
Description: Aaran's always been an anime girl, but I've got to "show off" the closest representation of her in that style. She has a lot to do with bringing the Inner Senshi back together, and ... well, is the central focus of my brand new book! Aaran's the brooding, read more
Image Properties: 315x500 22.87 kb
Title: Masurani in a Dress [ Anime/Manga :: Sailor Moon ] By: Corwin Sparrow
Uploaded On: Jan 14 12:38:41 2004
Description: Masurani's not the sort of girl who prefers dresses usually, but attending the final dance of the school year is a special pleasure, especially when she gets to attend with Yuri-kun! (Don't ask me! Maybe there'll be a 'fic soon...)
Image Properties: 257x509 20.88 kb
Title: Sailor Ether - Captured [ Anime/Manga :: Sailor Moon ] By: Corwin Sparrow
Uploaded On: Jan 14 12:34:32 2004
Description: Typical, of a guy to do this, eh? I am NOT a baka-hentai. I'd never draw the rest of this... Sailor Ether has the worst of it, yes, but in the novel I deal with the recovery from such a thing, which is never dealt with realistically in anime ... Deserved? read more
Image Properties: 399x505 59.48 kb
Title: Sailor Titan - Stone Henshin [ Anime/Manga :: Sailor Moon ] By: Corwin Sparrow
Uploaded On: Jan 14 12:31:30 2004
Description: Sailor Titan's a toughy, taking very much after the senshi she admires, Sailor Jupiter. Her dedication manifests in a more literal manner, however. Just as the girls armor promises fiercer battles, their powers answer greater challenges. Drawn by a good fr read more
Image Properties: 441x441 34.36 kb
Title: Sailor Seraph - Crisis Armor [ Anime/Manga :: Sailor Moon ] By: Corwin Sparrow
Uploaded On: Jan 14 12:22:40 2004
Description: When things get rough, Sailor Seraph and the Senshi know exactly how to respond. Seraph's armor is one such example of the sort of protection the girls feel is needed to survive the grisley battle for Earth's future, while the Inner Senshi - now the "Angel read more
Image Properties: 260x580 30.14 kb
Title: Neo Senshi: Earth's New Saviors [ Anime/Manga :: Sailor Moon ] By: Corwin Sparrow
Uploaded On: Jan 14 12:12:06 2004
Description: From right to left: Sailor Phoenix, Sailor Titan, Sailor Sol, Sailor Ether, and Sailor Seraph. In Sailor Rifts the Inner Senshi have been deported to another dimension, leaving these five (once organized), to more than pick up the slack. The girls soon dis read more
Image Properties: 625x815 146.64 kb
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Title: Shao-Enya Kino (Makoto's "Clone Sister") [ Anime/Manga :: Sailor Moon ] By: Corwin Sparrow
Uploaded On: Jan 14 12:04:33 2004
Charcters: Sailor Jupiter
Description: Meet Shao-Enya: All of Makoto's most unpleasent qualities repackaged into this ... ahem ... well, pretty shape. She's everything Makoto never was and more. Lovingly Hand-drawn and shaded by yours truly... ^-^;;; enjoy!
Image Properties: 257x581 59.36 kb
Title: Sketch of Heero [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam Wing ] By: Zanthra
Uploaded On: Jan 14 9:50:41 2004
Charcters: Heero
Description: Black and white. Sorry if this one's a little light... Drawn over the summer when I was adjusting my style.
Image Properties: 315x519 48.9 kb
Title: Ken and Wormmon [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Quin
Uploaded On: Jan 14 9:12:41 2004
Charcters: Ken, Wormmon
Description: Ken with his digimon
Image Properties: 128x375 9.91 kb
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Title: beach bum Daisuke [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Quin
Uploaded On: Jan 14 9:09:12 2004
Charcters: Daisuke/Davis
Description: Paintshopped Daisuke
Image Properties: 175x458 13.98 kb
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Title: Contortionist Trowa [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam Wing ] By: Quin
Uploaded On: Jan 14 8:58:25 2004
Charcters: Trowa
Description: Trowa: The *flexible* G-boy
Image Properties: 550x702 65.02 kb
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Title: Ryuma [ Anime/Manga :: Shinzo ] By: Sillie
Uploaded On: Jan 13 17:04:46 2004
Charcters: Shinzo Character Yukoma
Description: Yes, yes... it's the freaky snake guy from Shinzo... *pokes rose* (oekaki)
Image Properties: 452x400 43.48 kb
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