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Title: Cocky [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: Mieren
Uploaded On: Oct 26 15:56:41 2003
Charcters: Goku
Description: Goku is a self confident little bugger, isn't he?
Image Properties: 1255x1442 117.09 kb
Title: Training [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: Mieren
Uploaded On: Oct 26 15:54:11 2003
Charcters: Goku
Description: Goku was very cute when he was young. I couldn't resist drawing him in a defensive stance.
Image Properties: 1197x1349 121.95 kb
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Title: Carrot [ Anime/Manga :: Sorcerer Hunters ] By: Mieren
Uploaded On: Oct 26 15:49:02 2003
Description: A scene came up in one episode of Sorcerer Hunters when Carrot was actually happy and not making some ridiculous face, so I had to draw it.
Image Properties: 1233x1326 108.79 kb
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Title: Whip [ Anime/Manga :: Sorcerer Hunters ] By: Mieren
Uploaded On: Oct 26 15:42:20 2003
Charcters: Carrot Glace, Chocolate Misu
Description: Chocolate punishing Carrot for whatever he did. I drew this a long time ago. Found my old sketches and thought I'd scan a few in.
Image Properties: 1275x1086 88.67 kb
Title: O.o? [ Anime/Manga :: Beyblade ] By: Georgia Hiwatari
Uploaded On: Oct 26 13:25:21 2003
Charcters: Kai, Max, Rei
Description: Had to make this quiet a bit smaller to upload it - T'was very big lol. GH ^_~\\//
Image Properties: 1228x893 233.03 kb
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Title: Snow [ Anime/Manga :: Beyblade ] By: Georgia Hiwatari
Uploaded On: Oct 26 3:37:02 2003
Charcters: Tala/Yuri
Description: Hum.... I wasn't too sure about the 'snow' in this one, but hey, I'm allowed to mess around right. GH ^_~\\//
Image Properties: 807x1237 147.55 kb
Title: Xmas [ Anime/Manga :: Beyblade ] By: Georgia Hiwatari
Uploaded On: Oct 26 3:29:03 2003
Charcters: Kai, Rei
Description: My Xmas card front for all my friends this year! GH ^_~\\//
Image Properties: 867x1232 249.78 kb
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Title: Tala01 [ Anime/Manga :: Beyblade ] By: Georgia Hiwatari
Uploaded On: Oct 26 3:24:26 2003
Charcters: Tala/Yuri
Description: Just a little drawing to go with a new fanfic which I've been thinking about. GH ^_~\\//
Image Properties: 939x1201 330.03 kb
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Title: Trowa and Relena [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam Wing ] By: gigicerisier
Uploaded On: Oct 25 12:27:48 2003
Charcters: Relena, Trowa
Description: This is a picture of my favourite alternative couple,Trowa and Relena from Gundam Wing. I used Microsoft Paint for drawing.
Image Properties: 502x697 70.64 kb
Title: Sticky mouse [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Sayo Sarni
Uploaded On: Oct 24 16:04:43 2003
Description: I call this sticky mouse, because well, I colored it with a sticky mouse @_@ *damns it* Anyways, this isn't an original, but from what I know, it doesn't belong to an anime either. I just wanted to color it ^^;
Image Properties: 658x676 173.26 kb
Title: Dark Angel [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: Silverwolf969
Uploaded On: Oct 24 15:36:58 2003
Description: This is an OLD picture of Serena. She's an original Character of mine and I have a bio on my website. http://www.dbzcharacterbios.cjb.net
Image Properties: 525x806 55.65 kb
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Title: Chibi Duo [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam Wing ] By: CassRae
Uploaded On: Oct 23 23:02:39 2003
Charcters: Duo Maxwell
Description: I drew this ages ago on lined notebook paper. I got obsessed recently with the new Zelda game, Wind Waker.. and decided Duo needed a cell shaded makeover. Done in MS Paint.
Image Properties: 1928x1472 114.29 kb
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Title: 17 Bust [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: Kaialicious
Uploaded On: Oct 23 17:17:52 2003
Charcters: Artificial Human #17
Description: This was colored in Paint Shop Pro 7. One of the few that I think came out well. Viva la 17. *___*
Image Properties: 334x370 29.19 kb
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Title: Rio-chan [ Anime/Manga :: Spiral ] By: nikkou_chan
Uploaded On: Oct 23 11:39:36 2003
Description: Rio-chan with a huge teddy bear.I drew her a bit younger.^^
Image Properties: 450x596 87.49 kb
View (8) Visitor Reviews
Title: Happy Halloween Jill [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Jiru-chan
Uploaded On: Oct 22 18:54:14 2003
Description: Halloween is my favorite holiday! ^_^ So here's my character wishing everyone a happy one. She makes a cute chibi shinigami... yes... I know the moon is lop-sided... ¬_¬
Image Properties: 456x442 33.57 kb
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