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Title: Ian looking peeved [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: ShadeAngel
Uploaded On: Sep 23 18:17:02 2003
Description: Original chara. from my own little head. I cut him out of a larger pic, cause I didn't like how it was going. He was basically bitching at his friend Andrin for spending too much time in the library. Done in Photoshop 7 at a point when I was still getting read more
Image Properties: 208x399 28.09 kb
Title: Herald-Mage [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Heralds of Valdemar ] By: ShadeAngel
Uploaded On: Sep 23 18:12:06 2003
Description: A CGed version of a rough sketch I did for a painting. Yes, there is a Herald-Mage hanging up in my school. So happy about this. ^^ Anyways, the original was done at a point where I wasn't using much in the way of guidelines, so the positioning and anatomy read more
Image Properties: 500x948 54.41 kb
Title: SD-ish Seifer [ Computer/Video Game :: Final Fantasy Series ] By: ShadeAngel
Uploaded On: Sep 23 17:59:28 2003
Charcters: Seifer Almasy
Description: Well, glad mediaminer seems to be doing better. Glad the fanart section is back up 'cause I got a ton to share. Anyways, a sketchy pic of Seifer, done in Open Canvas. Drawn after one too many FFVIII fics.
Image Properties: 500x600 31.75 kb
Title: More Tea, My Dear? [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Alice In Wonderland ] By: Pervincia
Uploaded On: Sep 23 17:29:00 2003
Description: Gift pic for a friend of mine who is completely obsessed with Alice In Wonderland. (like I hear the walrus speech every two seconds) Except for the crappy coloring job that could have and should have been better, I really really like this picture. Well... read more
Image Properties: 493x763 174.88 kb
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Title: Raigeki (page2) Gundam Wing [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam Wing ] By: gokou_chan
Uploaded On: Sep 23 16:55:53 2003
Charcters: Duo Maxwell, Heero, Wufei
Description: My first Dojinshi. Be kind!
Image Properties: 726x999 130.53 kb
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Title: Raigeki (page1) Gundam Wing [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam Wing ] By: gokou_chan
Uploaded On: Sep 23 16:53:11 2003
Charcters: Duo Maxwell, Heero, Wufei
Description: My first dojinshi
Image Properties: 726x1000 119.52 kb
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Title: Trend Whore [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: xoutlawx
Uploaded On: Sep 23 13:33:34 2003
Description: My online personality ^_^;; also an oekaki...heh.
Image Properties: 300x400 147.76 kb
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Title: Blowin' in the wind [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: xoutlawx
Uploaded On: Sep 23 13:32:15 2003
Description: Another Oekaki, you know the drill, comment if you'd like ^_^;
Image Properties: 350x350 147.63 kb
Title: Up in the Clouds [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: xoutlawx
Uploaded On: Sep 23 13:27:05 2003
Description: Just an oekaki, comments always wanted, good or bad.
Image Properties: 500x500 278.92 kb
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Title: Video Girl Ai [ Anime/Manga :: Video Girl AI ] By: dlee511
Uploaded On: Sep 23 12:07:40 2003
Charcters: Video Girl Ai
Description: My latest FanArt (last week). Quick sketch + a little Photoshop.
Image Properties: 467x650 35.93 kb
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Title: Virginia (Wild Arms 3) [ Computer/Video Game :: Wild ARMs ] By: dlee511
Uploaded On: Sep 23 11:58:42 2003
Description: Just found out that MediaMiner is back! This piece was done last week, not as finished as what I originally wanted.. perhaps if the game piques my interest again I'll work on it some more.
Image Properties: 532x600 95.61 kb
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Title: Squall [ Computer/Video Game :: Final Fantasy Series ] By: cookieDoUgh
Uploaded On: Sep 23 10:26:10 2003
Charcters: Squall Leonhart
Description: He looks sad...PaintBBS
Image Properties: 350x350 144.79 kb
Title: Being with Rinoa [ Computer/Video Game :: Final Fantasy Series ] By: cookieDoUgh
Uploaded On: Sep 23 10:24:24 2003
Charcters: Rinoa Heartilly
Description: Squall and Rinoa dancing! I used references to ff8 cg for this...but unfortunately I couldn't find a squall in the right angle...so I guess he looks a little strange!
Image Properties: 1024x800 129.28 kb
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Title: Yuna [ Computer/Video Game :: Final Fantasy Series ] By: cookieDoUgh
Uploaded On: Sep 23 10:22:40 2003
Charcters: Yuna
Description: Just a sketch of Yuna. It doesn't look much like the original!
Image Properties: 872x1000 197.89 kb
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Title: Tetsu [ Anime/Manga :: Blue Submarine No.6 ] By: Demona
Uploaded On: Sep 23 5:05:13 2003
Description: That was my first try with Painter 7...
Image Properties: 552x422 82.87 kb
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