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Title: Akewataru [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: MysticBlue
Uploaded On: Nov 11 15:59:06 2002
Description: Another Akewataru pic. I like this one much better than my other one because it demonstrates his bishiness and also a good shot of his bicolored eyes. ^_^
He's a mysterious character, hence the fade from dark to light.
Drawn in pencil, scanned read more
Image Properties: 739x691 60.09 kb
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Title: Who's kid could this posibly be? [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: diva_eyez
Uploaded On: Nov 11 15:13:32 2002
Description: Drew this for windangel_04 for her fic, well hope you like and please don't forget to review and view my other pics! ~.^
Image Properties: 192x404 23.4 kb
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Title: *kisu* [ Anime/Manga :: Magic Knight Rayearth ] By: Fall Equinox
Uploaded On: Nov 11 14:33:37 2002
Charcters: Ascot, Umi Ryuuzaki
Description: Wahahaha more christmas fun with umi and ascot also for Esthemer woot!!!
Image Properties: 391x620 63.31 kb
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Title: the marauders [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Harry Potter ] By: Fall Equinox
Uploaded On: Nov 11 14:31:04 2002
Charcters: Sirius Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin
Description: Esthemer(winterSolctice) wanted a picci of the marauders, cute ne?
Image Properties: 554x740 99.29 kb
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Title: yay angelic layer!!! woot! [ Anime/Manga :: Angelic Layer ] By: Fall Equinox
Uploaded On: Nov 11 14:27:10 2002
Charcters: Hikaru
Description: Woot, i've just started to read this series but it is soo cute i wanna see the anime!!!
Image Properties: 593x772 92.66 kb
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Title: Chibi Yuugi PJs [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Penguin Light
Uploaded On: Nov 11 14:08:48 2002
Charcters: Yuugi Mutou
Description: its chibi Yuugi in the soul sucking demon PJs.
oh yea, Jena, u can use this for ur site if u want to
Image Properties: 252x371 24.03 kb
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Title: Alexi [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Isami-chan
Uploaded On: Nov 11 9:29:58 2002
Description: This is an OC Elf-girl I made up for two different things. My webcomic where she's human, and a slayers fic where she's the elf. So... I guess this is the "slayers" version, but I didn't put it under slayers cuz no one would review it. ^^;;; I like the way read more
Image Properties: 300x476 60.68 kb
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Title: Bad Man [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: Pi-chan
Uploaded On: Nov 11 6:34:21 2002
Charcters: Vegeta
Description: This is my first Photoshop pic. It's easy drawn, but at that time it was a little bit harder to color than it would be today ^.- !
Image Properties: 500x618 44.9 kb
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Title: CG Shadow Fox Desktop [ Anime/Manga :: Zoids ] By: Zinou
Uploaded On: Nov 10 19:40:43 2002
Description: I made new wallpaper.
If you'd like, here's some 1024x740 resolution wallpaper for your desktop.
Yes, I know it's dark. It's supposed to be. It looks better that way. I loathe bright desktops. Plus, it's the Shadow Fox, AND I was listen read more
Image Properties: 1024x740 188.26 kb
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Title: Moony-n-Padfoot [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Harry Potter ] By: artimusdin
Uploaded On: Nov 10 19:39:31 2002
Charcters: Sirius Black, Remus Lupin
Description: Moony's got his padfoot now ^_^
Image Properties: 658x465 65.95 kb
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Title: Padfoot [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Harry Potter ] By: artimusdin
Uploaded On: Nov 10 19:35:57 2002
Charcters: Sirius Black
Description: Sirius Black, aka Padfoot, supposed murderer of the Potters... supposed to be a post PoA pic, but whatever *shrugs*
Image Properties: 491x372 50.08 kb
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Title: Waiting... [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: Pi-chan
Uploaded On: Nov 10 8:17:08 2002
Charcters: Vegeta
Description: Bulma is waiting for Vegeta ^.^ !
Grrr, I'm really NOT happy with this one. It took so much work and it's at last absolutely not good (please don't look at Bulmas back -.- I saw that too late). But I think for the much work it took.. I'll upload it read more
Image Properties: 497x750 118.15 kb
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Title: Harry on broom [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Harry Potter ] By: daywalker
Uploaded On: Nov 9 22:45:53 2002
Charcters: Harry Potter
Description: the famous harry potter!
Image Properties: 950x690 172.23 kb
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Title: Enishi-sama [ Anime/Manga :: Rurouni Kenshin ] By: AnnaHibiki
Uploaded On: Nov 9 19:22:52 2002
Charcters: Yukishiro Enishi
Description: An Enishi-sama sketch
Image Properties: 668x560 66.11 kb
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Title: Enishi-sama's sad [ Anime/Manga :: Rurouni Kenshin ] By: AnnaHibiki
Uploaded On: Nov 9 19:19:42 2002
Charcters: Yukishiro Enishi
Description: Is just a sketch of a woman conforting Enishi-sama
Image Properties: 629x576 84.86 kb
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