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Title: Wolfwood & Vash [ Anime/Manga :: Trigun ] By: saiyaku
Uploaded On: Oct 8 5:43:10 2002
Charcters: Nicholas D. Wolfwood, Vash Stampede
Description: Okay…okay, I tried to draw Vash and Wolfwood together…but it didn’t realy like the result.
Maybe I will try it again. *shrugs*
Image Properties: 345x500 50.96 kb
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Title: Katt [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: Jincy le Fou
Uploaded On: Oct 7 15:54:53 2002
Charcters: Hiei
Description: There's a cat on Hiei's head.
His eyes are eye-level with now-taller Cessna's chest ^.^;; hee heeI like it. You?
Image Properties: 394x368 112.69 kb
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Title: >.> [ Mythological :: Dragon/Dragons ] By: Reddawg
Uploaded On: Oct 7 11:49:52 2002
Charcters: Western Dragons
Description: Eh, just a quick oekaki sketch testing out a kind of pencil effect. I liked how it turned out, so it's here. ^.^
Image Properties: 300x300 30.46 kb
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Title: Red XIII (Nanaki) [ Computer/Video Game :: Final Fantasy Series ] By: dream sketcher
Uploaded On: Oct 7 5:29:28 2002
Charcters: Red XIII
Description: I promised more ff7 characters so here is the next it's Red 13 or his actual name Nanaki. I enjoyed doing this one a lot.
Image Properties: 531x747 47.48 kb
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Title: sol badguy (again) [ Computer/Video Game :: Gulty Gear ] By: shootershaw
Uploaded On: Oct 6 23:46:36 2002
Description: made with ink 'n' photoshop'nuff said
Image Properties: 600x627 41.91 kb
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Title: Elf Archer [ Mythological :: Other ] By: issekiwa
Uploaded On: Oct 6 17:34:08 2002
Description: This is a picture I drew in art class (wow I actually did something in art!) If you've seen my previous art, you'll notice it's pretty much a rip off of an elf archer I copied from another picture, but I tried to change this picture a little bit.
Image Properties: 600x677 87.94 kb
Title: Sano wc [ Anime/Manga :: Rurouni Kenshin ] By: issekiwa
Uploaded On: Oct 6 17:31:54 2002
Charcters: Sagara Sanosuke
Description: There's an anime art competition coming to Sydney soon, and this is something I decided to do for it, I don't think i'll enter it (because I suck at water colours) but I enjoyed drawing and painting it coz it's Sano ^_^
Hope you like it.
Image Properties: 578x830 238.42 kb
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Title: Ruin of the Dragon [ Mythological :: Dragon/Dragons ] By: Noot
Uploaded On: Oct 6 14:09:52 2002
Charcters: Western Dragons
Description: done for a friend of a friend of my brother who will give it his (my brothers) girlfriend.
.... kinda complicated, ne?

Image Properties: 606x430 47.5 kb
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Title: Untouchable [ Books/Stories/Comics :: X-Men ] By: Little Jade
Uploaded On: Oct 6 5:19:23 2002
Charcters: Gambit, Rogue
Description: My first Gambit/Rogue-picture, that I didn't copy out of a comicbook. It's quite a long time ago, 1998 I believe, so please be nice, I was so damn young then ^-^
Image Properties: 852x600 117.58 kb
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Title: SSJ4 Goku [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: Joe_Man500
Uploaded On: Oct 6 0:39:24 2002
Charcters: Goku
Description: Here's my second attempt at coloring art (or at least, doing shadowing and toning with colors) using Photoshop. It's also my first Americanization of a manga/anime character. I don't think this an especially good drawing, since the face is a little goofy. read more
Image Properties: 385x779 242.47 kb
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Title: Embrace [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Mia^_^
Uploaded On: Oct 5 21:16:12 2002
Description: Yep, this piccy's pretty much self-explanatory. The pose taken from either graphic novel #2 or #3 of MARS by Fuyumi Soryo. I just got recently hooked onto it ^_^ and so I just renovated it and inserted Inuyasha and K read more
Image Properties: 356x580 181.35 kb
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Title: Hiei and Cessna [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: Jincy le Fou
Uploaded On: Oct 5 20:24:24 2002
Charcters: Hiei
Description: Hiei with my fangirl, CessnaBW! *16 May 2004* Oooh. Negative commentary. Thanks, I was kind of cold. *Fou
Image Properties: 472x545 59.25 kb
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Title: Akira [ Anime/Manga :: Hikaru No Go ] By: Klitch
Uploaded On: Oct 5 18:23:20 2002
Description: Just a random Akira oekaki.
Image Properties: 400x400 27.3 kb
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Title: Flowers in Aoba park Talk!! [ Computer/Video Game :: Persona 2 ] By: Heids
Uploaded On: Oct 5 16:13:03 2002
Description: :3
Image Properties: 450x400 76.03 kb
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Title: Restless [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Klitch
Uploaded On: Oct 5 12:42:35 2002
Charcters: Daisuke/Davis, Ken
Description: Drew this a few weeks back, felt like uploading it. It's based off a scene in an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer called "Restless." The background was a bitch to do.
Image Properties: 400x400 26.81 kb
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