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Title: Tomoki Sketchynezz! [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Pinali
Uploaded On: Sep 16 11:51:46 2002
Charcters: Tomoki
Description: I'll colour it sometime =) He's so fun to draw.
Image Properties: 198x493 19.43 kb
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Title: Superman v. Zod ( [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Superman ] By: Joe_Man500
Uploaded On: Sep 15 21:20:40 2002
Description: This image was actually inspired by the second Superman movie. I was watching it, and felt the need to draw General Zod kicking Superman's ass. Simple as that. I think its damn good considering its not a standing around, profile-type drawing. And I used no read more
Image Properties: 575x695 64.03 kb
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Title: Lion-O (Future Version) [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Joe_Man500
Uploaded On: Sep 15 21:16:55 2002
Description: Kind of an awkward pose for Lion-O, but I liked the face so much that I kept it. The explanation for the costume redesign is that I felt the blue armor and bare skin was kinda boring. I dunno. All together, a C-/C overall.
Image Properties: 483x863 53.82 kb
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Title: Ka-Zar the Savage [ Books/Stories/Comics :: X-Men ] By: Joe_Man500
Uploaded On: Sep 15 21:12:39 2002
Description: This is actually based on a little-known issue of What If? All in all, my best work on this site. I only find a few minor flaws in it, but I don't think they're noticable if I don't point them out to you.
Image Properties: 559x790 86.26 kb
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Title: Firestorm [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Other ] By: Joe_Man500
Uploaded On: Sep 15 21:10:33 2002
Description: It's Firestorm (most notabley of SuperFriends fame). I like this drawing, but the hands are a little poor and the symbols on the costum are just dreadful. All in all, my best work inking yet.
Image Properties: 576x612 46.27 kb
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Title: Brainiac's Daughter XTC [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Other ] By: Joe_Man500
Uploaded On: Sep 15 21:07:38 2002
Description: This is a character from Alex Ross' Kingdom Come mini-series. She's the daughter of Supergirl and Brainiac 5. All in all I think it's an okay drawing. The pose is a little awkward, though.
Image Properties: 576x860 53.17 kb
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Title: Archangel [ Books/Stories/Comics :: X-Men ] By: Joe_Man500
Uploaded On: Sep 15 21:05:26 2002
Description: Here's an image based on an issue of Uncanny X-Men. I tried my hand at shadowing in the background and I think I get a D- myself. Otherwise, I like Archangel himself.
Image Properties: 576x814 97.73 kb
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Title: Kawaii Sakura [ Anime/Manga :: Card Captor Sakura ] By: ChibiMelina
Uploaded On: Sep 15 18:05:26 2002
Charcters: Sakura
Description: I used to much pink ^^. I havent drawn her in a good long time (exusing that recent ugly pic of her older) I tryed to capture her in manga form....
I used:
advanced oekakimouse
Image Properties: 250x400 52.64 kb
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Title: Trunks [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: Rowein
Uploaded On: Sep 15 16:53:07 2002
Charcters: Trunks
Description: Made with watercolors
Image Properties: 588x924 58.16 kb
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Title: Severus Snape [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Harry Potter ] By: Rowein
Uploaded On: Sep 15 16:51:27 2002
Charcters: Snape
Description: Snape!!! My favorite character of Harry Potter!! XD
Image Properties: 563x738 111.94 kb
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Title: Gemelos Weasley [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Harry Potter ] By: Rowein
Uploaded On: Sep 15 16:35:16 2002
Description: The Twins Weasley
Image Properties: 549x620 101.41 kb
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Title: Miri: For Devin [ Miscellaneous :: Oekaki ] By: Lulu_Megami87
Uploaded On: Sep 15 16:29:06 2002
Charcters: 0
Description: this is just a pic i did. whoa i havent posted any pics in a while
Image Properties: 500x500 71.17 kb
Title: Tidus [ Computer/Video Game :: Final Fantasy Series ] By: Selphie
Uploaded On: Sep 15 13:34:17 2002
Charcters: Tidus
Description: Well I did some what shaded of picture. Well it looks like him. Enjoy people ^_^
Image Properties: 431x481 86.28 kb
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Title: My President [ Anime/Manga :: Haunted Junction ] By: Tao Shi
Uploaded On: Sep 15 13:10:57 2002
Description: This is the cover of a doujinshi like thing I'm making for my bestest best friend! :B The Japanese may be wrong, 'cause I used Altavista Translator, but ah well. xD That's why it's gonna be written in English. ;_; I love the Kazumi/Haruto pairing. It works read more
Image Properties: 420x601 68.08 kb
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Title: Fatima [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: IneiTenshi
Uploaded On: Sep 15 12:32:43 2002
Description: This is just an image of a fatima I created in a 30 minute spot in my studio concept class. It is done in copic markers(love these things!) and outlined with a sakura pigment pen.
Image Properties: 600x559 150.3 kb
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