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Title: Wind warrior [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Reioca Miniaka
Uploaded On: Jul 26 21:04:57 2006
Charcters: Warrior
Description: As Leader of the Wind Tribe this girl has the sole duty of leading her people to victory. She bears the symbols of her Tribe on her Left arm and Right leg. Being a Wind Demon she had the ability of flight, unpredictable movements, and the talent to move li read more
Image Properties: 297x401 16.78 kb
Title: Tai-Li [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: krad_is_my_angel
Uploaded On: Jul 26 18:57:23 2006
Charcters: Bishounen
Description: Just Tai-Li from my original story Bound-Together. You should check it out.
Image Properties: 268x500 31.28 kb
Title: Evo Rogue and Gambit [ Books/Stories/Comics :: X-Men ] By: Dark Dragon Master
Uploaded On: Jul 26 11:29:46 2006
Charcters: Gambit, Rogue
Description: This is a pic I drew of Rogue and Gambit from Evolutin... I actually like this pic, which is rare cause I seldomly like my own art. I hope you like it too. Thanks and I hope you enjoy looking at this pic.
Image Properties: 540x621 56.89 kb
View (1) Visitor Reviews
Title: Kagura [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Dark Dragon Master
Uploaded On: Jul 26 11:24:11 2006
Charcters: Kagura
Description: This is just I pic I drew a while back of Kagura... It didn't take very long (about 35 min. to draw and color) Well, I hope you like it and I would greatly appreciate it if you would leave me a comment telling me what you think... Thanks and I hope you enj read more
Image Properties: 492x652 54.98 kb
Title: Koumi Gather [ Anime/Manga :: Digimon ] By: JyouraKoumi
Uploaded On: Jul 25 13:30:10 2006
Description: A Koumi picc! Called Koumi Gather? Well I can't think of a title for it lol.. If ur a Koumi Fan U might like the title but for a non Koumi fan o-well Peaceout yall Koumi 2 the fullest!!
Image Properties: 502x461 52.94 kb
Title: Daisuke [ Anime/Manga :: D. N. Angel ] By: Wolfsnight1
Uploaded On: Jul 25 5:58:08 2006
Charcters: Daisuke Niwa
Description: It's Daisuke Niwa he is infront of a gate yea well i was bored in class so there you go
Image Properties: 637x825 76.86 kb
Title: Mine!!!!! [ Anime/Manga :: Fullmetal Alchemist ] By: Edlover2000
Uploaded On: Jul 24 16:41:48 2006
Description: Requested by Kat. Aka. MAIDEN OF TIME AND SPACE. Its a picture of her OC. Eve Campbell and mine Riley Mizuno. They're fighting over an Edward plushie. Riley: Back off sister!!! He's mine!!! Eve: Hell no!!! I saw him first!!! Both GRRRRRR! lol I hope I got read more
Image Properties: 1052x2100 344.88 kb
View (1) Visitor Reviews
Title: Headdress [ Mythological :: Knight/Warrior/Fighter ] By: playing with demons
Uploaded On: Jul 24 14:43:02 2006
Description: I wanted to eliminate a much colour by using the shades of gray. It was difficult because I love vibrant colours so much!!
Image Properties: 750x372 201.76 kb
Title: Elves at Play [ Mythological :: Elf/Elves ] By: playing with demons
Uploaded On: Jul 24 14:40:34 2006
Charcters: Wood Elf/ Elves
Description: I just wanted to draw something a little on the lighter side...what could be lighter then a few elves playing in the woods.
Image Properties: 600x506 87.4 kb
Title: Blue Dagger [ Mythological :: Knight/Warrior/Fighter ] By: playing with demons
Uploaded On: Jul 24 14:39:09 2006
Description: Quick sketch of a charmed dagger.
Image Properties: 430x700 131.86 kb
Title: Blade and Skulls [ Mythological :: Knight/Warrior/Fighter ] By: playing with demons
Uploaded On: Jul 24 14:25:41 2006
Description: I wanted to mix the images of the dead and the dealer of their death (the sword) together to create a dramatic feel.
Image Properties: 597x548 77.42 kb
Title: Small Demon [ Mythological :: Witch ] By: playing with demons
Uploaded On: Jul 24 14:07:29 2006
Description: She is a small creature of colour and light that seems to be wearing a mask to cover her face from onlookers....
Image Properties: 426x583 82.48 kb
Title: Dragonball z [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: mauricio_669
Uploaded On: Jul 24 14:04:31 2006
Description: i used pencils, colored pencils and markers
Image Properties: 336x433 97.77 kb
Title: Angry Sesshomaru [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Lady-cat-demon-in-the-flesh
Uploaded On: Jul 23 6:57:06 2006
Charcters: Sesshomaru
Image Properties: 513x342 21.32 kb
Title: Little Inuyasha [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Lady-cat-demon-in-the-flesh
Uploaded On: Jul 23 6:56:04 2006
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: Inuyasha as a little kid
Image Properties: 270x405 18.11 kb
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