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Title: Kyo; Animal, Monster, or Man? [ Anime/Manga :: Fruits Basket ] By: InuDani
Uploaded On: Dec 2 15:50:24 2005
Charcters: Kyo Soma
Description: Yay! my first picture on MM! Im so happy! Yo, I also write, so check it out!
Image Properties: 702x511 51.99 kb
View (2) Visitor Reviews
Title: In the Black Bird [ Computer/Video Game :: Chrono Trigger ] By: karura
Uploaded On: Dec 1 17:44:09 2005
Charcters: Marle
Description: Medium: PhotoShop CG
Image Properties: 398x371 17.64 kb
Title: Aeris [ Computer/Video Game :: Final Fantasy Series ] By: karura
Uploaded On: Dec 1 17:43:04 2005
Charcters: Aeris
Description: Medium: PhotoShop CG
Image Properties: 500x294 33.17 kb
Title: Castlevania [ Computer/Video Game :: Castlevania ] By: karura
Uploaded On: Dec 1 17:40:38 2005
Charcters: Alucard
Description: Medium: B&W pencil, color applied in PhotoShop
Image Properties: 476x600 73.44 kb
Title: Tears (Aeriseph) [ Computer/Video Game :: Final Fantasy Series ] By: karura
Uploaded On: Dec 1 17:38:11 2005
Charcters: Aeris, Sephiroth
Description: Medium: B&W pencil, color applied in PhotoShop
Image Properties: 500x613 70.63 kb
Title: Lulu [ Computer/Video Game :: Final Fantasy Series ] By: karura
Uploaded On: Dec 1 17:35:59 2005
Charcters: Lulu
Description: Medium: color pencils, colors adjusted with Adobe Photoshop for sharpness
Image Properties: 500x688 82.88 kb
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Title: together forever [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Dark Inu Fan
Uploaded On: Nov 30 21:39:06 2005
Charcters: Inuyasha, Kagome Higurashi
Description: I had my friend tyemaeshoe draw this for me. it took me about a month and three different programs for it to turn out like this (the basic paint program, aah!). I'm glad it turned out like this! it turned out as a really sweet scene between the two of them read more
Image Properties: 1169x953 91.92 kb
View (1) Visitor Reviews
Title: Merry Xmas Onee-chan [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Hywein Kioko
Uploaded On: Nov 30 17:42:57 2005
Description: Merry Christmas!
Image Properties: 1040x1243 204.57 kb
Title: Edo-kun [ Anime/Manga :: Fullmetal Alchemist ] By: Hywein Kioko
Uploaded On: Nov 30 17:36:16 2005
Description: EDO-KUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN! *^-^* (and yes, I did draw this despite my friend's disbelief ^_^)
Image Properties: 989x1451 176.69 kb
View (3) Visitor Reviews
Title: Love Slave [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: Ohtori Akio
Uploaded On: Nov 30 16:29:15 2005
Charcters: Itachi, Kakashi
Description: ItachiXKakashi again. No, not the Love Slave fanfic by Oneesan no Miroku Houshi, but I do recommend it. Very good fanfic. Well, I decided to do something a little sexy. Please comment.
Image Properties: 320x490 65.84 kb
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Title: Scratchboard Chopper [ Anime/Manga :: One Piece ] By: Silver_Griffon_Girl
Uploaded On: Nov 30 16:28:47 2005
Charcters: Chopper
Description: Yeah, this is a scratchboard that I did in art club one day. It includes the world's cutest reindeer; Tony Tony Chopper. In other news, the little dragon dude walking with Chopper I called a Snapdragon.
Image Properties: 500x646 126.9 kb
Title: Temper, temper [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: Lady-O
Uploaded On: Nov 30 12:31:06 2005
Charcters: Toguro
Description: Oh, oh. I think that i smell a twack coming up. Quick folks, who's got the number for 911 emergency call?
Image Properties: 460x305 25.56 kb
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Title: Swift [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Monkeygear1
Uploaded On: Nov 30 9:39:18 2005
Description: This character is similar to Sway, only she is an expert in hand-to-hand combat and uses two batons which can extend and be connected as either a long bow or nunchucks. All that aside from her enhanced sight hearing, agility, and reflexes. A rather vulumtu read more
Image Properties: 330x800 17.23 kb
Title: Sway [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Monkeygear1
Uploaded On: Nov 30 9:24:06 2005
Description: This is a character I created as a marks person, she has animalistic properties like agility, sight, smell, and a very vicious fighting personality. all that aside from her perfect aim. My first female uploaded. Enjoy.
Image Properties: 434x798 20.49 kb
Title: Byrne Family Honor [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Other ] By: RisaCha
Uploaded On: Nov 30 8:56:04 2005
Description: Inspired by the Tortall books by Tamora Pierce. http://www.tamorapierce.com/ Also inspired by my family's (you have to go back a couple generations to find it, my great-great-grandmother was a Byrne) coat of arms. See also: http://www.deviantart.com/view/2 read more
Image Properties: 255x369 20.89 kb
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