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Title: Mrikol [ Miscellaneous :: n/a ] By: Jaringdale
Uploaded On: Apr 6 7:48:33 2005
Description: This was one of the first peices I EVER photoshopped and to this day it's still one of my favourites. I'm pretty sure its because of the background...
Image Properties: 359x700 95.77 kb
Title: Neko Pirate Wench [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Jaringdale
Uploaded On: Apr 6 7:42:41 2005
Description: I'm not entirely happy with the lineart, but I really like how the sea came out. I've never done a background entirely in photoshop like this so it was a good learning curve. I also tryied out a new colouring technique that, with a little refining, turned read more
Image Properties: 300x632 50.36 kb
Title: Hiei's Rabbit [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: darknesspirals
Uploaded On: Apr 5 15:51:36 2005
Charcters: Original Character
Description: Okay... So there's a story behind this picture... but it's too long to explain here. Or maybe I'm just to lazy to type it. Who knows... But for those of you who know the story... BUNNY!!!
Image Properties: 1253x1635 195.08 kb
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Title: Kira and Duo [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam SEED ] By: Amy_Omi_Yugi
Uploaded On: Apr 5 6:48:00 2005
Charcters: Kira Yamato
Description: This is picture goes to my story in Gundam Decendant. Of Kira and Duo together.
Image Properties: 713x1448 183.84 kb
Title: Gambit and Rogue [ Books/Stories/Comics :: X-Men ] By: Wing Goddess
Uploaded On: Apr 4 22:05:28 2005
Charcters: Gambit
Description: A nice pic of the cajun and rogue. (sigh) if only...
Image Properties: 500x475 72.1 kb
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Title: Jack [ Books/Stories/Comics :: n/a ] By: Wing Goddess
Uploaded On: Apr 4 22:00:26 2005
Description: A piece i did in Ink using dots...a lot of dots. He is from the book Lord of the Flies. If you haven't read or heard of this book, read it or watch the movie on it(the one from 1950, not the one made in the '90's)
Image Properties: 500x557 153.16 kb
Title: MB [ Miscellaneous :: n/a ] By: Wing Goddess
Uploaded On: Apr 4 21:00:35 2005
Description: a scene from Moral Blemish.
Image Properties: 600x382 65.65 kb
Title: Yuki 'n Ayame Murasaki [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: newkid
Uploaded On: Apr 4 20:52:19 2005
Description: This is an actual sketch I did for Ordinary, Yet Unordinary. Not very good, though I am not an artist in drawing... 'Tis they are my own creation for my own work.. No raking on others' idea... So, if any similarity is all nothing but coincident... XD
Image Properties: 1098x2016 283.96 kb
Title: Roy and Riza Profile [ Anime/Manga :: Fullmetal Alchemist ] By: BtP
Uploaded On: Apr 4 17:24:10 2005
Description: Second profile picture set, featuring Col. Roy Mustang and Lt. Riza Hawkeye. Here I was, drawing happily along, making sure to make the feet larger - and what do I find at the end of everything? The feet somehow shrunk along the way. Oh sigh. I believe I l read more
Image Properties: 767x964 237.79 kb
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Title: Itachi and Genin Sakura [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: Fallen Seraphim
Uploaded On: Apr 4 16:01:29 2005
Charcters: Itachi, Sakura
Description: I've decided to share the ItaSaku love. The first image I've posted on this site. This is my favorite crack Naruto pairing. :::big smiles:::
Image Properties: 400x446 63.04 kb
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Title: Err...happy family? [ Anime/Manga :: Saint Seiya ] By: Sagita-Dan
Uploaded On: Apr 4 15:03:09 2005
Description: Una pequeña imágen de Sd´s dedicada a Ayoros y los personajes que se concideran más allegados a él n_n (boceto)
Image Properties: 422x381 38.36 kb
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Title: Hisoka uncolored [ Anime/Manga :: Yami No Matsuei ] By: PrismaKakkerra
Uploaded On: Apr 4 11:23:49 2005
Charcters: Hisoka
Description: Hisoka pic before I screwed it up with paint. lol
Image Properties: 286x400 10.04 kb
Title: Dee Laytner, one cocky cop [ Anime/Manga :: Fake ] By: PrismaKakkerra
Uploaded On: Apr 4 11:18:17 2005
Charcters: Dee Laytner
Image Properties: 577x375 36.6 kb
Title: Love me Im rich [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: PrismaKakkerra
Uploaded On: Apr 4 11:16:33 2005
Image Properties: 568x1003 38.82 kb
Title: Painted Hisoka [ Anime/Manga :: Yami No Matsuei ] By: PrismaKakkerra
Uploaded On: Apr 4 10:56:44 2005
Description: Painted badly, this picture was good once apon a time..
Image Properties: 330x400 22.19 kb
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