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Title: Skater Vegeta [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: MotherofHope
Uploaded On: Nov 2 2:57:24 2004
Charcters: Vegeta
Description: Unfinished picture of Vegeta as a skater
Image Properties: 654x960 79.99 kb
Title: plant thing [ Miscellaneous :: n/a ] By: Miss Elaineous83
Uploaded On: Nov 2 1:37:04 2004
Description: bweeee
Image Properties: 845x1096 279.45 kb
Title: Serena/Usagi [ Anime/Manga :: Sailor Moon ] By: Dragonofthedarknessflame
Uploaded On: Nov 1 17:40:40 2004
Charcters: Serena Tsukino
Description: WOO HOO! IT'S MY FIRST SAILORMOON COMPUTER ART! In the name of the moon, she shall punish you!(for whatever bad thing you did 'cause she sees all....)
Image Properties: 535x428 28.02 kb
Title: Uma the horse demon [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: shadow samuri
Uploaded On: Nov 1 16:58:13 2004
Charcters: Original Character
Description: this is a picture of Uma the horse demon an OC character from "Inuyasha and the Time stream" i hope you enjoy it. Uma will show up later in the story. maybe in chapter 8 or 10. (i think my work is crappy) can you give me some reviews to tell me how i did. read more
Image Properties: 1576x1229 218.07 kb
View (1) Visitor Reviews
Title: Kane Murasaki [ Miscellaneous :: n/a ] By: StarRose
Uploaded On: Nov 1 13:31:53 2004
Description: This is my original character (drawn by my best friend) Kane Murasaki from my fanfic Black & White Heart.
Image Properties: 1108x1667 297.17 kb
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Title: kaoru [ Anime/Manga :: Rurouni Kenshin ] By: tanukijo-chan
Uploaded On: Oct 31 18:32:33 2004
Charcters: Kaoru Kamiya
Description: hehehe it a draw of our cute tanuki-cha aka me!!! ohohohho well i hoe you review it! ja
Image Properties: 806x1079 214.4 kb
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Title: enishi [ Anime/Manga :: Rurouni Kenshin ] By: tanukijo-chan
Uploaded On: Oct 31 18:30:12 2004
Charcters: Yukishiro Enishi
Description: i just love this whte haired guy, with all his crazynes!!! ohohoho i just love it!!
Image Properties: 716x1145 200.94 kb
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Title: Aoshi Shinomori [ Anime/Manga :: Rurouni Kenshin ] By: tanukijo-chan
Uploaded On: Oct 31 18:26:45 2004
Charcters: Shinomori Aoshi
Description: wow who woundnt love this sexi guy? hummm? well i hope you like it and keep the review comming!
Image Properties: 846x1062 199.56 kb
Title: blue person [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Ishtar_Mnezeth
Uploaded On: Oct 31 15:21:27 2004
Description: I randomly drew this too. I think im going to make a whole bunch of coler coded peoples. Next is a blond or pink or purple girl! ONWARD!! (and yes their is no background..i cant think of one, suggestions needed)
Image Properties: 288x288 45.43 kb
Title: Nosferatu [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Ishtar_Mnezeth
Uploaded On: Oct 31 15:15:41 2004
Description: This is just some person lady i made in photo shop. the wings arent that great. I welcolm helpful tips for improvment but not flames. Please review! TANKS!
Image Properties: 360x360 52.78 kb
Title: Himura Kenshin [ Anime/Manga :: Rurouni Kenshin ] By: Eerie Feelings
Uploaded On: Oct 31 14:15:46 2004
Charcters: Kenshin Himura
Description: I really like how this one came out. I think it's my best Kenshin drawing so far.
Image Properties: 298x291 16.64 kb
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Title: I Only Look Innocent [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Eerie Feelings
Uploaded On: Oct 31 13:29:25 2004
Charcters: Miroku
Description: This was a first attempt on Miroku. He is my favorite Inu-Yasha charater.
Image Properties: 303x342 56.98 kb
Title: Girls #15 [ TV Series/Movie :: Other ] By: Starlight Vixen
Uploaded On: Oct 31 12:55:37 2004
Description: Noriko Nakagawa, Girls #15, from Kinji Fukusaku's Battle Royale film. I forgot the wound on her arm, which makes me sad. . . but I'm mostly happy with it.
Image Properties: 315x584 105.48 kb
Title: Sparkly Chii [ Anime/Manga :: Chobits ] By: Kitto Kawaii
Uploaded On: Oct 31 10:34:43 2004
Description: This was a veeeerrryyyyyyyyyy short CG didn't take much time AT ALL...so sad -_- anyway, of course it's Chii from Chobits. Used PS7, brush from unknown brushes
Image Properties: 270x270 58.4 kb
View (5) Visitor Reviews
Title: Princess Myn [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: sillydragon2
Uploaded On: Oct 31 9:45:19 2004
Charcters: Fan-created Characters
Description: Princess Myn form fanfic Zraldians and the world of Vegita
Image Properties: 265x683 22.18 kb
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