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Title: meee [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: kitten_of_the_shadowrealm
Uploaded On: Sep 12 20:53:05 2004
Description: HAHAHA ITS MEEEE FEAR ME FOR I AM KITTEN OF THE SHADOWREALM!!!!! I LOVE HIEI MALIK AND BAKURA!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA..........*ahem* well sinc that litel out burst is dun let me introduce my sealf im lacey i love anime and hiei malik and bakura i will draw thows read more
Image Properties: 240x461 17.1 kb
Title: Inuyasha...AS A GIRL! XD [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: gumi-sama
Uploaded On: Sep 12 13:09:50 2004
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: I was drawing Inuyasha but I was getting mad at trying to draw his eyes so, I put eyelashes on and the he became a she! lol xD I think I'll do this with Miroku and Koga too ^^
Image Properties: 1168x894 372.84 kb
Title: Rainbow Fairy [ Mythological :: Faery/Fairy/ Faeries ] By: gumi-sama
Uploaded On: Sep 12 12:59:37 2004
Description: It's a fairy!!! :D
Image Properties: 1272x1384 186.21 kb
Title: Naraku [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: NightShadow131
Uploaded On: Sep 12 12:16:19 2004
Charcters: Naraku
Description: Well, I'm tryin' to have this up again. Do you think this pic is too light? I don't, but my pics all got deleted cuz apparently they were, which some were.. not all though. Hope ya like it. ^^ I found this pic from the net and I had to draw it.
Image Properties: 450x434 59.64 kb
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Title: Yusuke [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: HieiAndSessBabyGirl
Uploaded On: Sep 12 10:03:03 2004
Charcters: Yuusuke Urameshi
Description: I'm not very good at drawing and I don't have anything to clean up the image, so it looks kinda dirty and smeared. Really sorry about that! Anyways, it's a pencil drawing. The boxes are so I could get the proportions right. I didn't know how to erase them read more
Image Properties: 390x730 71.92 kb
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Title: Captain Jack [ TV Series/Movie :: Pirates of the Carribean ] By: Emeraldwolf
Uploaded On: Sep 12 8:36:31 2004
Charcters: Captain Jack Sparrow
Description: A portrait of everybody's favorite pirate of the carribean, CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow. Done with a few different sketching pencils.
Image Properties: 509x640 126.74 kb
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Title: Yami Bakura x Malik [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Misaki_Sagara
Uploaded On: Sep 11 23:42:51 2004
Charcters: Malik Ishtar, Yami Bakura
Description: Shounen-Ai. Malik is sleeping on Bakura's shoulder ^_^
Image Properties: 429x478 38.98 kb
Title: when I laugh at nothing [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Saikano
Uploaded On: Sep 11 21:56:31 2004
Charcters: Kagome Higurashi
Description: I jst thought it would be nice if Kagome laughed.
Image Properties: 299x299 22.16 kb
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Title: When I can't seem to find you [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Saikano
Uploaded On: Sep 11 21:51:54 2004
Charcters: Kagome Higurashi
Description: When I can't find you my heart's missing... Please see and review!!!!
Image Properties: 398x240 17.65 kb
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Title: You mean everything to me [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Saikano
Uploaded On: Sep 11 21:41:41 2004
Charcters: Inuyasha, Kagome Higurashi
Description: I made this one thinking about their "love life" to be a sequel in neglect so enjoy.
Image Properties: 840x1227 154.89 kb
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Title: Ahahahaha!!!!! [ Anime/Manga :: Fruits Basket ] By: frozen_in_shadow
Uploaded On: Sep 11 19:55:10 2004
Charcters: Kyo Soma, Momiji Soma, Toru Honda
Description: Heh. Momiji is laughing at Kyo. hahaha. Poor kyo. He fell into a water fountain. hahaha. I'm so mean to kyo. haha. oh well. And then there is tohru, freakin out. and then momiji is just laughing at it all. oh well. I did this picture a couple of weekends a read more
Image Properties: 1003x1626 275.93 kb
Title: Tarma [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: Kethry
Uploaded On: Sep 11 17:40:27 2004
Description: Tarma. I want to thank Kathryn W. for drawning this for me and being modest enough to think it was bad. She captured Tarma is as I see her. Tarma is in my fan fics, "Drawn into Maddness" and "Life of a saiyan"/"Chronticles of Tarma"
Image Properties: 402x898 91.06 kb
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Title: Paige my OC [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Knights ] By: The Fire Youkai Paige
Uploaded On: Sep 11 11:01:12 2004
Description: This is My OC Paige she is Rath's Sister and i am currantly in the makeing of a fic with her in it..when i get the first chapter up please read it!
Image Properties: 530x914 153.11 kb
Title: Chibi Hiei Oekaki [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: Akane The Fox
Uploaded On: Sep 11 5:55:16 2004
Charcters: Hiei
Description: I did this in MS Paint, I did the background in PhotoStudio 2000.
Image Properties: 221x261 20.67 kb
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Title: Some girl. [ Miscellaneous :: n/a ] By: frozen_in_shadow
Uploaded On: Sep 10 19:19:25 2004
Description: This was just a random drawing. I just drew it yesterday. I messed up just a bit. I love her hair though! It's so cool! I want her hair! I think i might color it. *shrug* dunno. But I might.
Image Properties: 713x1774 193.28 kb
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