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Title: Inuyasha [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Kristen_Potter
Uploaded On: May 22 19:29:24 2004
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: Yeah I know this is really rough. And I absolutely can't stand drawing Inuyasha's hair or eyebrows, but I found a picture of Inuyasha where his hair looked easy enough. So I tried to draw it, please review and tell me what you think!
Image Properties: 1717x1247 279.2 kb
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Title: Rain Cloud (XD;;;) [ Computer/Video Game :: Final Fantasy Series ] By: Fuumi_Megumi
Uploaded On: May 22 19:10:23 2004
Charcters: Cloud Strife
Description: *cough* Erm... a chibi version of Cloud I drew on the computer. Not so perfect, but a bit cute, ne? ^^;;; It took like, five hours.... grrr... DARN HIS POINTY, YET CUTE HAIR!!! *shakes a fist menacingly*
Image Properties: 484x422 110.27 kb
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Title: Lyndis [ Computer/Video Game :: Fire Emblem ] By: FrailOstianPriestess
Uploaded On: May 22 17:25:20 2004
Description: I drew this a little while ago while I was borrowing my friend's manga drawing book. I don't usually like trying new styles, but manga was an exception. Lyn was the first actual drawing I made and FINISHED in this style... So uhm... yah.
Image Properties: 1096x1368 174.98 kb
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Title: Ryou's Wedding Dress [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Misaki Kaibutsu
Uploaded On: May 22 10:15:15 2004
Charcters: Ryou Bakura
Description: Err...from Potholes in Tokyo II. The scan didn't work right... the stuff that looks purple was originally pink. Mouuuuuu...
Image Properties: 664x1313 92.85 kb
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Title: Izumi Long-arm [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Gemini Star
Uploaded On: May 22 7:35:38 2004
Charcters: Izumi
Description: Just some strange idea I had... The Frontier characters in THE WORLD game from .hack//. Here's my first example of Izumi as a Long-arm. Don't ask me what kind of spear she's holding, but I tried to make the face markings like the ones Kazemon/Fairymon has. read more
Image Properties: 612x792 66.91 kb
Title: M.D.S [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Kyu-chan
Uploaded On: May 21 23:51:01 2004
Description: A few of my own made characters. This is a group of kids that are able to cast spells in the modern day. Ayako, the hot headed leader, Yuki the distant and silent one, Ryoko the outspoken on, Kyuji the Peacemaker, and Karume the shy one. They are known as read more
Image Properties: 1146x1516 200.15 kb
Title: Lyn and Eliwood [ Computer/Video Game :: Fire Emblem ] By: FrailOstianPriestess
Uploaded On: May 21 12:45:30 2004
Description: I drew this late one night when I couldn't get to sleep. It be my favorite pairing (apart from HectorXFlorina and KentXFiora). uh... yeah... Reviews make me happy!
Image Properties: 1063x1254 435.63 kb
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Title: Tsukasa [ Anime/Manga :: .hack//SIGN ] By: Lisa_kat
Uploaded On: May 21 12:02:03 2004
Charcters: Tsukasa
Description: Tsukasa. Ummm, yeah. Enjoy! It took me a long time.
Image Properties: 648x648 134.1 kb
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Title: Umie [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Pagasis
Uploaded On: May 21 6:52:30 2004
Description: Yeah, this is a character I made for one of my friends. I like this one a lot.
Image Properties: 582x826 92.51 kb
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Title: Ranma in jeans [ Anime/Manga :: Ranma 1/2 ] By: empty
Uploaded On: May 21 5:00:22 2004
Charcters: Ranma/Ranko Saotome, Ryouga Hibiki, Shampoo
Description: i was alway wondering how some anime characters would look in ordinary clothes , so i just drew three of my favourite: Ryoga , Ranma and Shampoo
Image Properties: 742x604 109.59 kb
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Title: Someone's Hero [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Stargaziey
Uploaded On: May 20 22:53:37 2004
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: I just really like InuYasha in his human form (alright he's cute in ANY form), so here he is all young & idealistic on the New Moon...like when he was still with his mother.
Image Properties: 300x300 52.58 kb
Title: Just InuYasha & Kagome [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Stargaziey
Uploaded On: May 20 22:50:19 2004
Charcters: Inuyasha, Kagome Higurashi
Description: Just a standard pic of InuYasha & Kagome.
Image Properties: 400x400 76.69 kb
Title: Young Happy InuYasha [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Stargaziey
Uploaded On: May 20 22:47:15 2004
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: Just a cute pic of a young & happy Hanyou InuYasha. ^_^
Image Properties: 500x500 109.39 kb
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Title: Dance With Me [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Stargaziey
Uploaded On: May 20 22:41:50 2004
Charcters: Inuyasha, Kagome Higurashi
Description: I was looking at a dance magazine at work one day & so was inspired to draw InuYasha & Kagome in a ballet pose. The oekaki applet I was using froze up, so I couldn't draw a background. So I cheated a bit & blurred a pic in Photoshop, just so it read more
Image Properties: 500x600 112.61 kb
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Title: I'll Keep You Warm [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Stargaziey
Uploaded On: May 20 22:30:10 2004
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: Another InuYasha with short hair. Don't get me wrong, I love his long locks...but change is good, ne? I do wish I could run into this on a cold winter night. ^_^
Image Properties: 300x400 32.71 kb
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