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Title: Shitsumei [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: Shadow_Rebirth
Uploaded On: May 13 16:28:31 2009
Charcters: Naruto
Description: Rough sketch of Shitsumei (no name)/Naruto from my story Reality's Illusion. He's kind of supposed to be sitting on some sort of roof ledge. "Kind of", because I wasn't really thinking about while I was drawing...
Image Properties: 306x448 17.84 kb
Title: Shiv [ Mythological :: Dragon/Dragons ] By: Suketchi Ryuu
Uploaded On: Jun 6 18:17:34 2004
Charcters: Western Dragons
Description: hehe, i like the way he came out =P he was my obsession thruout the day and its good to finally see him completed ^_^ i was originally going to name him "Spike" for obvious reasons... then i wanted to name him "Dagger"... then i changed my mind again, cons read more
Image Properties: 1559x1240 370.53 kb
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Title: Shiva [ Computer/Video Game :: Final Fantasy Series ] By: DuncanWilber
Uploaded On: Nov 23 7:49:54 2004
Charcters: Shiva
Description: Sketch of Shiva done in colored pensils
Image Properties: 516x641 90.35 kb
Title: Shiva [ Computer/Video Game :: Final Fantasy Series ] By: short-n-smart
Uploaded On: Sep 4 16:40:14 2005
Charcters: Shiva
Description: sorry for lashing at u guys in the last one I sent. I jst have had a little trouble at home and need to get things straight upstairs....As you might have guessed this is an extremely poor drawn pic of Shiva I drew. She is absolutely my fave GF or what ever read more
Image Properties: 479x645 53.81 kb
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Title: Shiyama Hogosha [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Hogosha
Uploaded On: Nov 23 10:22:37 2002
Charcters: Fan Created Charecters
Description: Mind you, Hogosha hates her school uniform.
She goes to Tamachi with Ken.
Hogosha is an orphan with a dark past.
Her Dejimon is Black Tailmon.
Image Properties: 148x432 12.68 kb
Title: Shizuka Angel [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Sol_Soldier
Uploaded On: Feb 11 18:47:26 2004
Charcters: Shizuka Katsuya
Description: my fanart of Shizuka. a request made by bluemargay.
Image Properties: 349x367 22.6 kb
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Title: Shizuka with a Little Doll [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Imouto-chan
Uploaded On: Aug 12 23:54:02 2004
Charcters: Mokuba Kaiba, Shizuka Jounouchi
Description: It's Shizuka with a Mokuba doll. I know, it's weird, but I like this pairing. This was actually drawn on an Oekaki board. Mouseart. Eeevil.
Image Properties: 300x300 25.11 kb
Title: Shizukana Yoru ni [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Nicole1725
Uploaded On: Jul 7 18:06:25 2004
Charcters: Kouji, Takuya
Description: Yay another Digi Frontier oekaki from me if your bored you can watch the animation here http://laerry.rpgdarkside.com/oekaki/index.php?artist=Nicole1725&sortartist2=Go
Image Properties: 500x500 90.18 kb
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Title: Shock! [ Miscellaneous :: Yaoi ] By: Misaki Kaibutsu
Uploaded On: Dec 26 8:14:49 2004
Description: Gwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Emm... Daniel (the long hair) kisses Aisu (cute, lovable demon guy). Shounen-ai/yaoi feelings ensue. Feel the love, love the feel. ^_^ Mou.
Image Properties: 777x801 87.55 kb
Title: Shocked Zel [ Anime/Manga :: Slayers ] By: Anzu_Hime
Uploaded On: Jan 28 22:42:41 2005
Charcters: Zelgadis Greywers
Description: Recently got into a drawing mood and had been watching some old Slayers videos. Zel is one of my favorite chars and he's just fun to draw. Keep in mind this is only a sketch! If you like it, please comment!
Image Properties: 449x495 27.19 kb
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Title: shojiki [ Miscellaneous :: n/a ] By: mitzumi kare
Uploaded On: Jul 6 14:18:31 2009
Image Properties: 470x633 33.85 kb
Title: Shonen-Ai [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam Wing ] By: sadesama
Uploaded On: Dec 8 0:15:33 2003
Charcters: Duo Maxwell, Heero
Description: 1X2 gundam goodness. ;-) Done in PSP. I'm almost happy with this one. I hate the background, though... o_O
Image Properties: 481x640 51.64 kb
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Title: Shonens of Anime & Manga [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Aspendragon
Uploaded On: Jun 10 11:26:12 2005
Charcters: Yami Yugi
Description: Here are Yuki Sohma, Dark & Wiz, Yami Yugi, Red & Pikachu, and Yusuke (Don't point that finger at me! Not at our reviewers either!)
Image Properties: 465x640 56.32 kb
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Title: Shoot to thrill [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Johnny Walker
Uploaded On: Feb 27 12:16:05 2005
Charcters: Kagome Higurashi
Description: This is a little promo shot for my Fan Fiction, One by One. Basically I had two options, draw something meaningful, or draw Kagome naked in bed with a B.A.R. Since I can't draw well enough to be meaningful.. One by One: http://www.mediaminer.org/fanfic/vie read more
Image Properties: 637x825 39.83 kb
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Title: Shooting Star [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Pegacorn
Uploaded On: Jul 26 17:25:22 2005
Charcters: Kirara
Description: Kirara looks towards the sky in time to see a glowing star shoot across the heavens... This is my entry for the Summer Star Festival Fan art Contest. ^_^ I decided to try something different with this pic. I opted to use pen and ink, and to brighten read more
Image Properties: 544x381 360.65 kb
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