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Duo Maxwell
Dimensions: 1201x694 pixels, 116 Kb
Duo Maxwell by Grevola
Artwork uploaded on Nov 8 21:31:30 PST 2002, since then it was viewed 727 times and reviewed 1 times.
Artist's Commentary
Media: Sketch pad, No. 2 pencil, eraser, black ink pens (varying widths), Photoshop edition unkown.
Time: aprox. 5 hrs.
Notes: This is a detale of what is hands down the best fanart I have ever drawn. It's the only thing anime my mother has ever let even near the fridge, much less on.
I sketched the outlines in pencil, then inked them and used pens for the shading on Duo's cloths. I used pencil for the shading on his face and hair because I think it gives a softer feel and a better texture. Then I scaned it and threw it into Photshop where I tinted it with a cyan color.
Please tell me if you like it, and (on the waaaay off chance that you actually would) if you want to post it some where, just stick my name on it and tell me where it's got to.

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