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First Snow of the Year (written by Makiko Igami) COLOR
Dimensions: 600x578 pixels, 77 Kb
First Snow of the Year (written by Makiko Igami) COLOR by darkmus
Artwork uploaded on Nov 14 13:20:23 PST 2002, since then it was viewed 1079 times and reviewed 1 times.
Artist's Commentary
WAIII!!! Lookit! It's that picture I drew!!! o__O```
And NO. I did NOT CG it. A wonderful artist going by the name "elvisisdead" CG-ed it for me. It's so pretty! (Heero looks uber-cute... ^__^```)
Please thank elvis for such a pretty picture and go CHECK OUT HER ART!!! She does the cutest Hamtaro pictures! (I love them to death! ^__^)
Waiii! Thank you!

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