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Snow Cloud
Dimensions: 475x591 pixels, 84 Kb
Snow Cloud by Vlakky
Artwork uploaded on Dec 20 18:56:32 PST 2002, since then it was viewed 1363 times and reviewed 1 times.
Artist's Commentary
My vision of an older Cloud after the events of FFVII. What's left for an ex-SOLDIER to do? Wander the Planet and clean up the riff-raff I guess. I figure he's somewhere near the North Crater and he just happened to get caught in one of those nasty storms. ^^
Note: I've never played Kingdon Hearts, so I'd never seen how Cloud was depicted. Now I realize that this pic may look similar to the character in KH, but the real inspiration for this pic was Garrison from Battle Chasers. So... yeah.
Edit: Now with less cheesy snowflakes! ^^v

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